Creation and the Glorious Mysteries

Today we conclude our meditation on the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary through the ‘lens’ of the mystery of God’s Creation.[1] May Our Lady, Co-Redemptrix hear our plea, respond favorably to our prayers, and deliver us from the errors of disbelief and error!

And may our prayer of Our Lady’s Psalter hasten the proper consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

First Glorious Mystery: The Resurrection of Our Lord

In this Mystery, let us meditate on Christ’s triumph over death, the curse of Adam’s sin. When Adam sinned, he brought death to world, thus condemning the whole human race (cf. Romans 5:12). Yet, when Christ rose from the dead, He rescued Adam’s race from the grave, bringing them the hope of eternal life with God in Heaven. Christ, the great conqueror, through His Resurrection, has “destroyed death, and has brought to light life and incorruption” (2 Timothy 1:10). We should not fear the death of our earthly bodies, as Our Blessed Lord has opened the gates of Heaven, which had been closed since the disobedience of Adam.

Christ’s Resurrection is a “great proof” upholding the truth of Creation and dispelling the lies of evolution. Evolutionists would have us believe that life came into existence over billions of years (even theistic evolution maintains this is how God must have brought about life). Yet Christ’s Resurrection was instantaneous. He arose with a glorified body on Easter morn. Likewise, at the General Judgment, when He comes again in glory and power, we will witness the resurrection of the body. It will be instantaneous, like a flash of lightning across the sky (cf. Matthew 24:27). If God will resurrect our bodies in an instant, it likewise follows that He created in an instant, with just a word, just as is witnessed by the inspired and inerrant word of Scripture.

Let us then honor Christ’s defeat of sin and death, as we ask Our Heavenly Lady to rescue us from the deathly state of our own sinfulness.

Second Glorious Mystery: The Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven

In this second Mystery, let us consider the restoration of God’s Presence through Christ’s Ascension. When God created Adam, He placed him in His Presence in the Garden of Eden (cf. Genesis 2:15). Following his sin, Adam hid himself from God because he embraced the spirit of his sinful will. At the Ascension, Christ must leave His beloved disciples, hiding His glorified humanity, that they might receive His Holy Spirit.

Through his sin Adam became exiled from the Divine Presence, as he and the entire human race were cast out of the Garden of Paradise. In His Ascension, the new Adam, Christ, ascended back into the Presence of God in Heaven. Following his exile, Adam taught his descendants to offer sacrifice to the one true God (cf. Genesis 4:4) and to call upon the name of the Lord (cf. Genesis 4:26) At the Ascension, Our Lord charged His disciples to baptize all nations and to teach them to observe all He had commanded.

God’s divine plan, begun at Creation, will not be stopped by man’s sin, and the Gospel will be proclaimed to the ends of the world. Our Lord has promised to remain with us always, even to the consummation of the world (cf. Matthew 28:20). Let us meditate on how Christ leads the human race back into God’s Presence, as we ask Our Blessed Mother to lead us through Her own Immaculate Heart to His Sacred Heart.

Third Glorious Mystery: The Sending of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost

In this Mystery, let us reflect on the work of the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity both in the Creation of the world and in the creation of holy Mother Church. God always sends forth His Spirit to renew the face of the earth (cf. Psalm 103:30). At the Creation, the Spirit moved over the waters to fashion the world (Genesis 1:2). Later, when God wished to renew the world through the mission of the Church, He promised to give her the Holy Ghost to guide her to all truth (cf. John 16:13). At Pentecost, this promise of Jesus Christ was fulfilled, as His Apostles, His Blessed Mother, and the Church were endowed with the gifts and fruits of the Holy Ghost.

There are only two times in the Sacred Scriptures when God breathed on man. In Hebrew the word ‘ruah’ denotes both breath and spirit. After forming man out of the dust of the earth, God breathed life into him, and man became a living soul (cf. Genesis 2:7). On Easter Sunday, God breathed on His Apostles and gave them the gift of the Holy Ghost that sins may be forgiven and man receive spiritual life (cf. John 20:22).

Let us meditate on the divine action of the Holy Ghost in renewing the Church, and ask Him to come and renew our own hearts, in union with His Heavenly Spouse, the Most Holy Virgin.

Fourth Glorious Mystery: The Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven

In this Mystery, let us consider how Our Lady, as the new Eve, is God’s great Cooperator and Helpmate both on Calvary and in Heaven. God created Eve without sin. Mary is the Immaculate Conception. Adam called his wife mother of all the living (Genesis 3:20). From Christ on the Cross, Mary accepted being mother of all the spiritually living (cf. John 19:26-27). Eve’s curse was to bring forth her children in sorrow (Genesis 3:16). Although Mary’s labor in Bethlehem was painless, She suffers a sword piercing Her heart and travails in pain giving birth to us, Her spiritual children (cf. Apoc 12:2, 17). Eve was forced to accept submission to Adam; Mary willingly and joyfully accepted submission to Christ (cf. Lk 1:38).

When God first placed Adam in the Garden of Eden, he was alone. Shortly after, God created Eve to be a helpmate for him (Genesis 2:20). Likewise, shortly after Christ, the new Adam, ascended into Heaven, God brought Mary, the new Eve, up to Heaven to continue to cooperate with Him in His work of redemption. She intercedes for us at the right Hand of God, as the “Mediatrix of all graces” (Encyclical of Pope Pius XI, May 3, 1932). Let us meditate on Our Lady’s intercessory work in Heaven, as we ask Her to intercede before God for all our needs.

Fifth Glorious Mystery: The Coronation of Our Lady as Queen of Heaven and Earth

In this Mystery, let us meditate on the glory of Blessed Mary as She is crowned as Heavenly Queen. The Six Days of Creation show us an ever expanding vision of God’s great glory. The light and the darkness (1st day) are to be ruled by the sun and moon (4th day). The waters above and under the firmament (2nd day) are then ‘crowned’ by the living creatures of the air and sea (5th day). The earth and all the fruits it brings forth (3rd day) is then filled with animals (6th day); all this God calls good. But before He rests, God crowns all of His creation by making man in His image and likeness. He commands man to increase and multiply, to fill the earth and subdue it, that God’s great glory may redound ever more throughout creation and many souls will share in His great goodness. And this God deems very good.

St. Paul tells us that “woman is the glory of man” (1 Corinthians 11:7). Thus, the first woman, Eve, was created to show forth the glory of Adam. Likewise, Mary, the new Eve, was crowned in Heaven to show forth the glory of Her Son, the new Adam. In Heaven, She is now the glory of Her Divine Son, and can thus help us enter into eternal glory with Him.

All creation was made for the Son, that He might rule forever as King with His Queen Mother. The saints tell us that Our Lady far outshines all the rest of God’s creation put together (that is, the cosmos, inanimate things, living creatures, men, and angels). Our Blessed Mother glorifies God more and brings Him more delight than the sum total of all His creation. Truly the Creation and the Fifth Glorious Mystery rightly extol the crowning glory of the Queen of Heaven and Earth.

Let us meditate on how Our Lady helps us know, love, and serve the glory of Christ Our King. May our hearts then be filled with the same sentiments as Her Immaculate Heart,[2] that we may likewise share in the glory by which God has honored Her.


Through the mystery of Creation, and through the mysteries of God’s holy Incarnation, we may come to share in God’s eternal mysteries. As we meditate upon God’s great mercies, both in creating the earth, and in giving us His only begotten Son, may we strive to imitate the virtues of Our Lord and Our Lady. May these meditations bring forth great fruit in our souls, and in our divinely created world.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, intercede for us.

VIENNA, AUSTIRA – JUNI 24, 2021: The fresco of glorious mysteries of Rosay in the Votivkirche church by brothers Carl and Franz Jobst (sc. half of 19. cent.).


[1] We are indebted to the Creation Theology Fellowship for inspiring these reflections. Their work is reproduced here, in edited form, with permission.

[2] St. John Eudes, known as the Apostle of the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart, teaches that the most fundamental way to practice devotion to Our Lady is for our hearts to be filled with the same sentiments which fill Her Immaculate Heart. The five primary sentiments which fill Her Heart are: [1] Horror and abomination for every kind of sin. [2] Hatred and scorn for this corrupt world and everything pertaining to it. [3] The lowest possible esteem and even scorn and hatred towards self; we could say perfect humility. [4] Profound esteem, respect, and love for all the things of God and His Church. [5] Veneration and love for the Cross – that is, for privations, humiliations, mortifications, and sufferings.


