Mail checks to: The Fatima Center
P.O. Box 602, Fort Erie, ON L2A 5X3
P.O. Box 1470, Buffalo, NY 14240
Call Toll-Free: 1-800-263-8160 or 1-905-871-7607
Your offerings are urgently needed as we struggle to bring Our Blessed Mother’s Fatima words of hope and peace to the world. Help us bring Her Message to millions of souls through the work of Her Fatima Apostolate. God Bless
***PLEASE NOTE: The default selection is for a monthly recurring donation. If you want to make a one-time donation, please make certain that you choose the “DONATE ONCE ONLY” option. (Although we’d highly appreciate a monthly donation which comes with benefits!)***
Your Support for Our Lady’s Apostolate Helps to Save Souls
The ultimate aim of Our Lady’s Apostolate is the same as that of the Fatima Message: to save souls. Our Lady showed the children a vision of hell and asked for prayers and sacrifices to keep souls from falling into that terrible abyss from which there is no escape.
Can there be anything more urgent than our own salvation and the salvation of others? All the works we undertake here – including the conferences, Rosary Rallies, mailings, books, booklets, pamphlets, web site articles and interviews, television, Fatima Crusader magazines, distribution of rosaries and sacramentals, media campaigns and so much more – all have the same single purpose: to save souls from hell and place them under the protection of Our Lady.
None of these works would be possible without you. It is your continued generosity that allows us to undertake all that we do. You are the engine that drives The Fatima Center. Your prayers, sacrifices and donations keep this apostolate going.
Only Heaven knows how many souls have been saved by the efforts of this apostolate. You will only discover this when, through God’s grace, you may be blessed with final beatitude. Then, you may see the happy souls that your generosity has spared the torments that Our Lady revealed to the children. Our Lady showed them hell, not simply to frighten them, but to spur them on to do all in their power to help save others.
The greatest act of brotherly love is to help another save his soul. Every donation to The Fatima Center is an act of such love. With your continued generosity, we can work to swell the communion of saints which we all hope to join in the fullness of time.