Monsignor Patrick Perez has been a good friend to Father Gruner and Our Lady’s Apostolate for more than 20 years. Professor of Theology and Liturgy with a profound knowledge about the history and development of the Roman Rite of Mass. Fluent in five languages, he is an expert on the modern errors against the Catholic Faith. Msgr. Perez holds his degree in Theology from the Pontifical University of Maynooth in Ireland. He served as Rector of the Institute of Christ the King seminary in Italy for a year before undertaking pastoral work in the United States. Msgr. Perez has attended and spoken at many Fatima Center conferences and events. He has also held events at his parish in California which drew large crowds for Our Lady’s statue and Father Gruner. He has written many articles for The Fatima Crusader, contributed financially, distributed our material and celebrated Apostolate Masses. We are happy to have him on our council and will rely on his wise guidance as we go forward.