Cardinal Lorenzo (“the Book Thief”) Baldisseri, Ringmaster of the Next Synodal Debacle: A Poison Pill Labelled “LGBT”

Fatima Perspectives #1238

As is now clear to anyone but the most obtuse, the last Phony Synod was but an elaborate pretext for mainstreaming adultery in the form of “second marriages” in the life of the Church. The document that opened the door to Holy Communion for the divorced and “remarried” in “complex situations,” Amoris Laetitia, was the foregone conclusion of a synodal process manipulated from beginning to end by Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, the synodal General Secretary and executor of the will of Francis.  Baldisseri even literally stole copies of a book defending the traditional teaching on marriage and the Eucharist before they could reach the Synod fathers.

Francis has since dared to declare that his permission for sacrilege and blasphemy, tossing aside the teaching of John Paul II and Benedict XVI, in line with all of Tradition, is “authentic Magisterium.”  That, of course, was the goal of the Phony Synod from its very beginning.

Now, as Life Site News reports in a piece by Diane Montagna, Badisseri is stage-managing the next Phony Synod, on Youth and Blah, Blah, Blah, in order to reach the next predetermined outcome: the attempted mainstreaming of homosexuality in the life of the Church.  As Montagna observes, “Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, the official responsible for organizing the upcoming Vatican Youth Synod, has said he will not remove the acronym ‘LGBT youth’ from the Synod’s working document, even though youth didn’t ask for it to be included. The cardinal, however, has claimed that they did.”

Actually, no they didn’t.  As Montagna further notes, Life Site’s journalist attending a press conference held on October 1 “reminded Baldisseri… that at the June 19 presentation of the synod’s working document [Instrumentum Laboris], he had said the phrase ‘LGBT youth’ was taken from the pre-synodal document compiled by young people at their meeting with the Pope and Synod organizers, March 19-24, 2018.”  The passage containing that seditious acronym, added by someone involved in subversion, was removed after the immense scandal it caused.  But when Baldisseri was reminded of this fact, he replied: “Look, I am not removing anything. The Synod Fathers will discuss it article by article. All the texts, even the loftiest in the world, will be discussed.”

So now the Synod on Youth and Blah, Blah, Blah contains the following stealthily reintroduced passage in its working document (at ¶ 197):

“Some LGBT youth, through various contributions that came to the Secretariat of the Synod, wish to ‘benefit from a greater closeness’ and experience greater care on the part of the Church, while some ECs [Episcopal Conferences] ask what to propose ‘to young people who instead of forming a heterosexual couple decide to form a homosexual couple and, above all, wish to be close to the Church.’”

We can see what is coming from a mile away: Baldisseri intends to ram through the process a final synodal document containing the poison pill “LGBT youth”.  Then, under Article 19 of Francis’ new motu proprio, Episcopalis communio, that final document, “if expressly approved by the Roman Pontiff… participates in the ordinary Magisterium of the Successor of Peter.”  Or so it will be claimed, although that would be a monstrous fraud on the true Magisterium.

The consequences of the human element of the Church being made to swallow this verbal poison pill are immense:  If there is such a thing as “LGBT youth,” meaning a constituency of young people defined by sexual perversion, then the perversion ceases to be such in practice and is merely a reference to a particular ecclesial constituency.  Thus, sexual perversion would cease to be a sin and would be viewed as merely another form of human sexuality.

With dreary predictability, the traditional teaching on sexuality would be affirmed in the final document, but perverse sexuality would be reduced to a mere departure from a lofty “ideal,” just as sacramental marriage and the avoidance of adultery by way of “remarriage” was reduced to an ideal in Amoris Laetitia. This departure from the “ideal” would be excused and “accepted” in given circumstances even if the “ideal” continues to be a desirable goal of human action, but no longer a command of the divine and natural law.

A blatant hint of this approach has been given by the appointed General Relator of the upcoming Synod, Sergio da Rocha — made a cardinal in 2016 by none other than Francis (of course).   Described by the ultra-progressive Crux magazine as “a young pastor in the mold of Francis” — God help us! — da Rocha has stated respecting “LGBT persons” that “the Church wants to welcome everyone, without excluding anyone, but, at the same time, tries to offer, under the light of the Gospel, the values that come from God’s words, that must orient the actions of everyone.”

There we have it:  the divine and natural law absolutely forbidding sodomy and sexual relations outside of marriage is reduced to “values that come from God’s words” which the Church merely “tries to offer” in order to “orient the actions of everyone” rather than commanding them — in every case and without exception — under penalty of grave sin and the threat of eternal damnation.

And this in the midst of the latest eruption of the scandal of rampant homosexuality in the hierarchy.  The Third Secret of Fatima has unfolded before our eyes.  We are reminded once again of Benedict XVI’s revelation in 2010 that the worst persecution of the Church comes from sin within her, and that today we are seeing this in “a really terrifying way.” Now only the divine chastisement  — of the Church and the world — remains.


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