Francis to Bishops: Let’s Meet to Keep Hiding the Real Problem

Fatima Perspectives #1233

As Philip Lawler notes with appropriate disgust, in the midst of the newly erupted but always present homosexual corruption of the Catholic priesthood since Vatican II, Francis — himself implicated in the cover-up of the crimes of ex-Cardinal McCarrick — “has called the leaders of the world’s episcopal conferences to Rome, to ‘speak about the prevention of abuse of minors and vulnerable adults’…more than five years after the Pope announced his plan to set up a special commission to recommend plans and policies for ‘the prevention of abuse of minors and vulnerable adults.’”

The abuse of minors and vulnerable adults.  Notice how the scope of this ridiculous meeting, still five months away, to do nothing about a situation that has only worsened, five years after the creation of a commission that also did nothing, is carefully limited by language a lawyer could have drafted. There will be no discussion of the plague of sodomy between priests and “consenting” legal adults age 18 or over.  That leaves plenty of room for actively homosexual priests to continue their activity.

In short, this Pope has no intention of addressing what Lawler rightly calls “the influence of a homosexual network among the clergy” unless its activity involves an actual rape prosecutable under civil law.  Even then, however, the cover-ups will continue as much as possible in the current climate of public scrutiny.

Why is this so?  My colleague Edwin Faust zeroes in on the one and only reason, given the hierarchy’s refusal to follow Church teaching by eliminating the homosexual corruption of the priesthood: “[T]he Catholic clergy and its hierarchy are in the hands of a homosexual cabal….”  Accordingly, he concludes: “There is simply no way out of the present dilemma for the Catholic hierarchy except for an overthrow of the immemorial teaching on homosexuality. Then, it will be possible to condemn the abuse of power, i.e. using one’s position to obtain sexual favors, while accepting homosexual priests as normal.” 

Thus the meeting in February will not prejudice the ongoing project spearheaded by the intolerable Father James Martin — truly an element of the final stage of the current ecclesial crisis — of “mainstreaming” homosexuality in the priesthood according to this Pope’s own mantra, uttered concerning the flagrant homosexual he made head of his very household: “Who am I to judge?”

Can anyone still seriously maintain, even after more than five years of this ruinous pontificate, that the Third Secret of Fatima in its integrity is merely a visual depiction of 20th-century events culminating in the failed attempt on the life of John Paul II in 1981? Who can still honestly accept this absurd “interpretation” of the Secret by none other than Cardinal Sodano, the corrupt former Vatican Secretary of State who covered up the homosexual predation of Father Marcial Maciel until the future Pope Benedict XVI put a stop to the cover-up?

It was Pope Benedict who later famously declared at the outset of his mysteriously abbreviated pontificate: “Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves.”  The word wolves was doubtless carefully chosen, for it has a precise meaning in the ecclesial context, that being the enemies within who ravage the flock.  And it was none other than Benedict who said of the Secret that it foretells what we now witness: “the greatest persecution of the Church comes not from her enemies without, but arises from sin within the Church, and that the Church thus has a deep need to relearn penance, to accept purification, to learn forgiveness on the one hand, but also the need for justice.” 

The current pontificate is a mockery of justice in the Church.  But justice is coming. And the longer God allows it to be delayed by the scheming of corrupt churchmen the more terrible His sentence will be.


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photo credit: Catholic Church (England and Wales) Pope Francis via photopin (license)


