Beware that Latin Mass! The Political Miracle in Italy and Its Link to Catholic Tradition

Fatima Perspectives #1206

In my last column on the political situation in Italy I noted reports of a breakthrough in the creation of a government based on the new populist, anti-EU parliamentary majority resulting from the stunning electoral triumph of both the Five Stars and League parties.   

As the New York Times reported on May 31 (with evident deep regret): “After 88 days of impasses and negotiations, two Italian populist parties with a history of antagonism toward the European Union received approval Thursday night to create a government that has already unsettled the Continent’s political order.” 

Horrors!  How dare the Italian people “unsettle” the “political order” of the Continent, meaning the artificially imposed EU monolith?  No one must kick against the goad of what I have called the World Oligarchic Complex (WOC).

As the Times woefully explains: “Only days ago, President Sergio Mattarella of Italy rejected a populist government over concerns about a proposed finance minister who had helped write a guide for withdrawing Italy from the euro, Europe’s single currency.” But, the Times frets, “the populists reshuffled, keeping the same prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, and other top players, but moving the objectionable finance minister to a less critical post.”

And now the Conte government is in place, leaving the Italian press and the world media at large to fret and fume over this dangerous insurrection against the supposedly irresistible tide of post-Christian political modernity.  (A myth exploded by the resurgence of Christian populism in both Hungary and Poland, a phenomenon now spreading to the Italian peninsula.)

And dangerous it is.  For it seems Italy’s new government is being led by the WOC’s most dreaded foes, whose political influence was long assumed to be dead and buried forever: not mere Christians of some sort, which would be bad enough from the WOC’s point of view, but actual Catholics.

As Roberto de Mattei observes at Corrispondenza Romana, the Italian press is savaging the new Minister of the Family, Lorenzo Fontana, for “having expressed himself in favor of the natural family, protected by Article 29 of the Constitution, and to have noticed the existence of a demographic crisis in Italy and to have participated in the March for Life of May 19.” Fontana has declared that “we must not be afraid to confront the dictatorship of one thought… We have shoulders broad enough to resist the gratuitous attacks with evidence of the facts, the force of ideas and of concrete actions.”

Fontana — horror of horrors — attends the traditional Latin Mass, liberated from its false imprisonment by Benedict XVI’s Summorum Pontificum. As “Father Z’s” blog notes, the Italian leftist mucky-muck Andrea Grillo, displaying the cunning of the devil, senses that Summorum and that sinister Latin Mass are something the WOC must fear.  His social media feed warns: “One of the conditions of the Fascism of Fontana is Summorum Pontificum. Remember!”  But not only in Italy!  The whole world is threatened by this outburst of Catholic Tradition!  As Grillo frets: “The legitimization that Summorum Pontificum ensures for the political reactionary drift must be reported. Not only in Italy.”

As I have demonstrated in my book on the subject, the whole project of the moderns has been aimed at the total suppression of the influence of the Catholic Church on the body politic.  But the project seems to be threatened by recent developments in Hungary, Poland and now Italy, which was thought to be irretrievably under the WOC’s thumb.

As De Mattei writes of Fontana: “The minister can count on the help of these men of good will, but he can count above all on the help of Heaven, who does not abandon those who are not ashamed of proclaiming themselves Catholic, defend the natural law and fight against the new barbarians for the noblest of ideals which is the restoration of Christian civilization, the only civilization of history worthy of the name.”

And, as the late great Romano Amerio wrote of our situation in his masterwork on the current ecclesial crisis, Iota Unum: “Faith in Providence thus proclaims the possibility that the world might rise and be healed by a metanoia which it cannot initiate but which it is capable of accepting once it is offered.” 

The offer of precisely that metanoia — the reconversion of an entire civilization — is the essence of the Message of Fatima and its call for the consecration of Russia.  Meanwhile, until that happens, God will not refrain from assisting those who do His will in public life.

May Our Lady of Fatima deliver Europe and the whole world from the tyranny that has so long suppressed the Social Kingship of Christ over men and nations.

Hat Tip: This article could not have been written without the pointers provided by the indispensable Canon 212 — simply the best traditional Catholic news aggregation site on the Web.  Every Catholic who cares about the state of the Church and the world should consult it every day.

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