Fatima Water: The Spring

A Theological Reflection (Part II)

Earlier this week we celebrated the 100th anniversary of when water began to miraculously flow at the Cova da Iria in Fatima, where Our Lady appeared in 1917. Today we continue our historical and theological reflections by focusing on Our Lady’s choice of a spring for this miracle.

READ the first article, relating the circumstances and miracles connected to this event.
READ the Theological Reflection (Part I) concerning the importance of the date, November 9.

Water Always Points to Baptism 

Why might Our Lady have chosen the miracle of flowing water? There are certainly the obvious considerations, such as the practical need of the pilgrims and the fact that water is the matter in Baptism. Water cleanses us and gives life on the natural level, as does Baptism at the supernatural level, and so will our current age be cleansed and given life when men conform their lives to the Message of Fatima and the hierarchy consecrates Russia to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.

The selection of water connects Fatima to all those typological events in the Old Testament and Church History related to Baptism. Many of these events are well known to Catholics, such as Noah and the Ark, Moses Passing through the Red Sea, Joshua Crossing the Jordan River, Namaan the Leper Washing in the Jordan, and Our Lord’s own baptism by St. John. This connection is further confirmed by the fact that the Fatima basilica is dedicated to St. John the Baptist.

Each of these events point to the threat of death, a trial that must be passed, and new life. All but eight perished in the Deluge. Only those who obeyed God were saved. Namann would have died in his infirmity had he not had a change of heart and obeyed God’s prophet. Our Lord’s baptism prefigures His descent into Limbo (the realm of the dead) and ultimate conquest of death.

Similarly, the Message of Fatima reveals terrible chastisements threatening all of mankind if we do not cease offending God. Yes, we are currently enduring a great trial. And it is only by faithfully obeying Heaven’s command that our world can have “new life” – a period of world peace in which Russia is converted and the Immaculate Heart triumphs.

Baptism Brings New Life

Christendom was only able to rise out of the ashes of the Greco-Roman pagan world through Baptism. Today, our world drowns in a neo-paganism far worse than that which afflicted ancient times, for ‘modern man’ has consciously rejected the Incarnate God Who died for him. He has dethroned Christ the King in favor of an atheistic, hedonistic, secular world view. When the Triumph which Our Lady promised at Fatima comes about, humanity will return en masse to the salvific waters of Baptism.

Finally, this Baptism link evokes many famous baptisms throughout the history of the Church. In particular, I see a parallel between Catholic Prophecy linked to Fatima and Clovis’ baptism by St. Remigius (25 December 496 A.D.). Clovis was king of the Franks. He embraced the Catholic Faith on account of: [1] the holy example of his wife, St. Clotilde (a type for Our Lady); [2] the tutelage of his bishop, St. Remigius (a type for a holy pope); and [3] a decisive military victory over the Alamanni (Battle of Tobiac).

The Baptism of Clovis, King of the Franks
The Baptism of Clovis, King of the Franks

We Await a New ‘Christendom’

The Franks were the first pagan barbarians in the West to become Catholic. Through Clovis, Christendom – a new Catholic world – began to arise out of the barbarian-devastated ruins of the Roman Empire. This is why France is called “The Eldest Daughter of the Church,” or we might even say in the context of today’s article, the First Daughter of the Cathedral of Rome.

Numerous credible Catholic prophecies predict a holy king and a holy pope who will work together to restore the Church and the world. It is prophesied that he will be a French king (Clovis and Charlemagne both serve as types for him). Likewise, Catholic prophecy speaks of revolutions ravaging France (and Italy) and rivers of blood flowing in Paris when this king comes to the fore.  (Given current world events, such a scenario seems quite plausible in the near future.)

This good French king will have to fight military battles, and he will be victorious by divine assistance. I suspect he will finally offer fitting reparation for the grave sins of his ancestors who failed to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart (Louis XIV, XV, XVI) by aiding the Pope in the proper Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart. This future king and pope will be instrumental in the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and bringing about the period of world peace guaranteed by Our Lady.

Cleansing Water Is a Powerful Symbol for Purity

Furthermore, it cannot be a coincidence that Our Lady also chose to provide miraculous water at Lourdes. By Her similar actions, She draws a direct connection between the two apparitions. Lourdes necessarily came first, as there She confirmed the truth of Her Immaculate Conception. She gave the Church time to reflect upon this mystery and develop this devotion.

Then, like a good mother, She taught Her children an even deeper truth. At Fatima, She revealed the truth and importance of Her Immaculate Heart. It is precisely through devotion to Her Immaculate Heart (specifically through Russia’s consecration and the First Saturday devotion), that God will save the world.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!


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