URGENT: Catholics Give Millions to Abortion and LGBTQ-Related Organizations

The Lepanto Institute recently released an explosive report of findings after spending five months investigating 214 organizations which received funding from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) during fiscal year 2020-2021.

Lepanto found that 66 of these groups – who are involved in the promotion of abortion, contraception, LGBTQ activism, and Marxism either directly, through coalitions, or through their leadership – together received about 30% ($3,430,000) of the total funding ($11,249,000) provided by the CCHD!

We believe it is imperative that all Catholics realize that when they place their “money in the basket” for this collection, their generous and hard-earned donation will be used to promote the errors of Russia (Marxism, abortion, moral depravity, etc.). As Our Lady forewarned, the errors of Russia have indeed spread all throughout the world, and even into the holy Temple of God.

Evil prefers to fester in darkness; it must be dispelled by the light of truth. Hence, it is urgent that you share this information with every Catholic you know. We agree with the Lepanto Institute that every Catholic should share this report with their parish priest and encourage him to share it with his bishop.

Given what they discovered in their investigation and proved in their report, Lepanto Institute concludes that the CCHD should not be allowed to continue.

Below, we provide (with permission from Lepanto Institute) the press release that Lepanto sent to Catholic media outlets and every bishop and CCHD director in the country. Please share this article with your family members, friends, priests, or acquaintances who attend Mass at their local parish because the CCHD collection is THIS WEEKEND! For more information, see https://lepantoin.org/.


Report: US Catholic Bishops Gave $3.4 Million to Organizations Involved in Abortion, LGBTQ, Activism, and Socialism

Washington, DC – The Lepanto Institute published a highly detailed report profiling sixty-six organizations receiving funding from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD, the official anti-poverty program of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

The report indicates in its findings that 30.8% of the CCHD’s granted organizations for FY 2020-2021 are in violation of CCHD grant guidelines and Catholic moral and social teaching. Of the total $11,249,000 distributed by the CCHD that year, $3,430,000 went to organizations promoting abortion, contraception, LGBTQ ideologies, or Marxism. The total amount of funding those organizations have received from the CCHD since 2004 is [a staggering] $16,633,000.

“Not a single one of the organizations in our report should have received a dime from the CCHD,” said Michael Hichborn, president of the Lepanto Institute. “We found organizations directly promoting abortion rallies, participating in homosexual pride festivals, and collaborating with Marxist groups like the Party for Socialism and Liberation and the Democratic Socialists of America.”

According to the report, out of the sixty-six organizations profiled, forty-seven (71%) were guilty of directly promoting ideologies contrary to Catholic teaching. Fifty-one of the sixty-six organizations (77%) belong to one or more coalitions (many requiring annual membership dues) attacking Catholic moral and social teaching. And twenty-six of the sixty-six (39%) had organizational leaders attacking Church teaching.

“At least two of the organizations we profiled in our report were previously de-funded by the CCHD but are now receiving grants again despite nothing having been changed,” said Hichborn.

The report profiled the Chicago Workers Collaborative (CWC), which lost funding in 2013 because it refused to leave a coalition which had taken a position in favor of same-sex “marriage.” CWC is still a member of the coalition, and now the coalition has formally vowed to fight for abortion as a “right.” Additionally, CWC directly participated in an LGBTQ pride event.

The Women’s Community Revitalization Project (WCRP) is another organization that indicated it lost funding because its executive director “is a lesbian.” Not only is WCRP again receiving grants from the CCHD, but its executive director is now a donor to Planned Parenthood.

Thirteen of the sixty-six organizations receiving grants from the CCHD are affiliates of Faith in Action, an organization that publicly slammed the overturning of Roe v. Wade and vowed to fight for “reproductive rights,” including abortion. The CCHD vehemently defended Faith in Action in 2020 after the Lepanto Institute reported its partisan political activity and its involvement in the promotion of abortion and LGBTQ ideologies.

“We have said for years that either the Catholic Campaign for Human Development is absolutely incompetent and therefore incapable of properly policing the organizations to which it is providing funding, or it is completely corrupt and therefore complicit in the gravely immoral activities we’ve discovered. As we examine the case now, in light of the last 10 years after the “review and renewal” process, we are finding it harder to believe that this is a matter of mere incompetence,” said Hichborn. “Whatever the case may be, the fact of the matter is that the CCHD is providing Catholic funds to the enemies of the Church. No bishop, no priest, no layman can morally or licitly give any funding to the CCHD after reading these. We encourage all laymen to show this report to their pastors, and we exhort all priests to show this report to their bishops. And we call upon all bishops to formally withdraw completely from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and work for its total shut down on the national level.”

The full analysis of the report can be read here: https://lepantoin.org/report-on-grantees-of-the-catholic-campaign-for-human-development-for-fy-2020-2021/

The chart of individual reports on CCHD grantees can be found here: https://lepantoin.org/cchd-2020-2021-grants-report/
