Another Explosive Socci Interview

Fatima Perspectives #1372

Antonio Socci has written a new book, Il Dio Mercato, La Chiesa, e L’Anticrsiso (The Market God, the Church and the Antichrist). As followers of his work – and I am one – have come to expect, Socci provides an acute and devastating commentary on the state of the Church and the world today, which his interviewer calls (translation mine) “a situation beyond all limits and unsustainable, given the Bergoglian line and the co-presence of two Popes who, beyond ceremonial courtesies, say opposite things.”

In Socci’s view, expressed in the opening of his book (quoting a 1934 novel by Joseph Roth): “The Antichrist has arrived: disguised in such a way that we, who have been accustomed to waiting for him for years, do not recognize him. He lives in our midst; in we ourselves. And over us hangs the heavy shadow of his ignoble wings. He has been spreading poison in the innocent souls of our children.”

As Socci explains to his interviewer, the case he argues in his book is that the threat to souls is no longer confined to anything as discrete as Communism or Nazism, but rather now extends to what Benedict XVI called “the dictatorship of relativism.” This dictatorship, says Socci, 

“in recent years has become more suffocating than ever before. It seems that the light (above all, the light of and in the Church) has been extinguished and not only that the question of truth has been deemed off limits… but that there is no evidence that truth is even recognized. There seems to have been realized the prophecy of Chesterton, who foresaw a time when it would bring on the end of the world merely to affirm that two plus two makes four and that the leaves are green in summer. This ideological climate — in the world and in the Church — obviously was not formed by accident, but rather because the powers of this world (economic, political, mediatic) have pushed heavily in this ideological direction.”

As for the ideological climate operating within the Church, Socci observes what is clearly a mark of this pontificate: “Moreover, the Church wanted to cancel the ‘pretense of truth’ of the Gospel and at the same time there is imposed a ‘single thought’ that dominates dogmatically and does not allow critical discussion or questions.”

Of course, here Socci is referring to Pope Francis and his “revolutionary” program. Thus, in answer to the interviewer’s observation that “certain texts of Pope Francis seem to have been written by the Secretary General of the United Nations,” Socci replied: “Above all, I would like to recall that in May of 2013 Benedict XVI, at the Lateran, explained that a Pope cannot and must not use the Chair of Peter to assert his personal ideas and opinions, but only and always the teaching of the Church. Because the Pope is not superior to the word of God, but is its servant.”

Anticipating the objection that Francis is merely undertaking a “pastoral translation” of sound doctrine, Socci added that Francis’s “pastoral revolution” is in reality “demolishing doctrine itself; therefore it is a cunning fiction.” The post-conciliar attempt to reconcile the Church to modernity, says Socci, has been a failure (obviously), but the Pope and the upper hierarchy refuse to admit their error. “To err is human,” Socci adds, “but to persevere [in it] is diabolical.”

To his interviewer Socci offers a conclusion quite in line with what the integral Third Secret must foretell: “When failed results are then accompanied by the now evident ideological submission to the (certainly anti-Catholic) powers of this world, and even the iron fist against those who, among clergy and laity, wish to maintain the faith of all times, I would say that we are confronted with an upper hierarchy that works against the Church.”

After referencing facts which, to his mind, place in doubt the validity of Benedict XVI’s resignation, Socci offers the sobering advice that, humanly speaking, our only recourse in this situation is to remain “Faithful to Christ, faithful to the Church, to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, faithful to the papacy, to that which the Church always and everywhere taught from Saint Peter to Benedict XVI,” and also to “pray for the repentance of Bergoglio, so that he may retrace his steps, correct himself and no longer guide the destruction of the Church.” Failing which, he concludes, we must hope and pray that “God gives a Catholic pope back to His Church and that he will be able to bear witness for the salvation of the world.”

When the advice to pray that the Church will be given a Catholic Pope can be taken seriously, we know that what the Third Secret must in its integrity foretell has come to pass. And this would explain why Sister Lucia was terrified to reduce the Secret to writing until the Virgin personally authorized her to write the text we have yet to see.


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