On February 12, Pope Francis released his long-awaited Apostolic Exhortation on the Amazonian Synod, Querida Amazonia, which can best be described as an insidious attempt to secularize the Catholic Church.
Specifically, the pope in his exhortation:
- Advocates an “inculturated liturgy” that incorporates Amazonian dance and rituals, and introduces the idea of establishing an Amazonian liturgical rite.
- Recommends granting lay people formal authority over Amazonian parishes, and mentions their ability to “celebrate certain sacraments” (excluding the Eucharist and Confession).
- Says women should be given formal positions in the faith community as a result of a “commission from the bishop.”
- Endorses the Amoris Laetitia approach of allowing Communion to those living in adultery, saying there is no “room … for a [traditional] discipline that excludes and turns people away.”
- Defends idol worship as witnessed with the veneration of Pachamama at the synod, saying that it is not superstition.
Concerning idols, Francis says that we “should esteem the indigenous mysticism that sees the interconnection and interdependence of the whole of creation, the mysticism of gratuitousness that loves life as a gift,” as well as the “sacred wonder before nature.”
So Catholics are now exhorted to esteem “the indigenous mysticism” of the occult that is generated by “the prince of this world.” (John 12:31) Shall we esteem voodoo too?
“Ecological Conversion”
The exhortation spearheads the Amazonian Synod’s plan to unite the Catholic Church with the world, that it might be ecological and one with the planet. For “the indigenous mysticism that sees the interconnection and interdependence of the whole of creation” is the ‘recycled’ mentality of earth gurus who bow to the planet — a planet symbolized by Pachamama.
The historic Amazonian Synod that convened in Rome this past October 6-27 brought to fever pitch this globalist plan to merge the Church with the environment. This perfidious attempt was captured live on film in a deplorable scene inside of St. Peter’s Basilica — a nude Mother Earth idol [Pachamama] along with “Pope Francis and various cardinals chanting, dancing, and praying before the statue,” as quoted and shown by LifeSite News. This synod unfortunately had its roots in the jungle.
Inculturated Liturgy
In keeping with the synodal theme, the pope in his exhortation encourages “a necessary process of inculturation,” even calling for an “inculturated liturgy.” He says, “We can take up into the liturgy many elements proper to the experience of indigenous peoples in their contact with nature, and respect native forms of expression in song, dance, rituals, gestures and symbols.”
Not so. The Church is rooted in a divine culture, and as such, the trappings of sin and the fallen world may never defile Christ’s Palace. It is the Church that converts the world, but the world which “knows Him not and receives Him not” (cf. Jn 1:9-10) may never “inculturate” the Church nor may its stigma dominate the souls of those who receive Holy Communion.
But according to Francis, the sacraments “unite the divine and the cosmic, grace and creation” and he says that “the sacraments should not be viewed in discontinuity with creation.”[1]
This too speaks of error, since the sacraments are to draw us out of the world and cleanse worldly elements from our souls — especially indigenous pagan or occult elements — that we might be one with God, not with creation.
Even so, the pope is bent on inculturation, saying that “For the Church to achieve a renewed inculturation of the Gospel in the Amazon region, she needs to listen to its ancestral wisdom” and to the “rich stories of its peoples.”
“Ancestral wisdom” is occult language that we associate with pagan cultures like the Mayans and Aztecs who murdered their children in infanticide, just as infanticide is now practiced in the Amazon with the approval of some bishops there. It is the indigenous people who need to listen to the perennial teachings of Holy Mother Church, not vice-versa.
Querida Amazonia’s clear and unabashed attempt to profane the liturgy with pagan dance and ritual is in itself justification for decrying it. And while its proposals are applied to the Amazon region for the moment, every indication is that the Amazon is only being used as a trial balloon. As Francis himself says in his exhortation:
“I am addressing the present Exhortation to the whole world. … the Church’s concern for the problems of this area obliges us to discuss, however briefly, a number of other important issues that can assist other areas of our world in confronting their own challenges.”
It appears that the plan was to first implement these changes in the Amazon so that other areas of the Church “deprived” of these “rights” could cry “discrimination” and clamor for these same innovations, whereupon the Vatican would concede to their wishes with the justification that the plan thus far had been “successful” in the Amazon.
Baited With Slick Political Maneuver
While the exhortation doesn’t explicitly support the idea of ordaining married men to the priesthood as some had anticipated, an earlier leaked version had briefly proposed “that criteria and dispositions be established by the competent authority, within the framework of Lumen Gentium 26, to ordain as priests suitable and respected men of the community with a legitimately constituted and stable family.” Corrispondenza Romana
Given the emphasis on the environment evidenced at the Amazonian Synod and in its final document, we see that ordaining married men was never an integral part of the plan to begin with, though it appears that the issue was initially raised as a scare tactic with the plan of easing up on it, if need be, at the last minute in order to pacify conservatives and better gain their confidence in Francis’ environmental program.[2]
This is typical of the political maneuvers used by Francis to elicit the Church’s support of controversial proposals, e.g. down-talking “same-sex marriage” so that Catholics will feel relieved, even gratified, by his mere endorsement of “same-sex unions.”
The bottom line is that “enculturating the liturgy,” giving laity and women authority over parishes, giving Communion to adulterers and bowing to idols are heinous insults to God’s Majesty that the faithful may never accept. It is our duty to denounce these pagan innovations.
And so, while some are strangely “counting their blessings” that Querida Amazonia hasn’t formally endorsed married priests, they should well consider that they have been baited into swallowing the gist of its message that we betray Jesus Crucified and be one with a pagan environment.
Note: You can read Querida Amazonia for yourself at the Vatican’s website here.
[1] Note the unveiled attempt to unite Christ’s Church with the world. One of the hallmark characteristics of modernism is to detract from the supernatural by conflagrating the natural with the supernatural so that the two appear to be the same thing.
[2] Nevertheless, many are convinced that this issue is far from over. While this document may signal a brief retreat from the attack on the priesthood, it is highly likely that allowing married priests and the ordination of women – first to the diaconate – is still a major element in the modernist’s revolutionary agenda.