God’s Plan for the Family

The family is so much a part of God’s plan for our natural happiness and for our eternal happiness.

God the Father almighty created the universe and everything in it. The one, true and living God, the Most Holy and undivided Trinity made all things out of nothing, visible and invisible. He created those pure spirits we call angels. He created all material things and finally He created Man. First He formed Adam from the mud of the earth and breathed into him a living spirit. And then He formed Eve from the side of Adam. He decreed that the two should be together and that from their union would come children. So the all-wise Lord is the author of the human family.

The family, that means one man and one woman united for life and open to new life.

Man has a nature that determines who and what he is, and his purpose. This nature is found in every human being without exception. Every new person is a personal choice of God. Everyone is made as a person, “in the image of God,” with a body and a spiritual and immortal soul.

And God, in His infinite goodness, wisdom and mercy has decided to lift man up to become His likeness. That is, He calls each of us to supernatural and eternal life in Christ. In Christ the divine nature is united with a true human nature, in the Person of the Son: “The Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us.”

This is the reality and situation in which the human race as a whole, and each family, and each person finds himself or herself. It is what it is. Jesus Christ is not optional.

Each human being has life and death set before him, and eternal life in Heaven OR everlasting sorrow and misery. And because of the grave importance of the reality of the family and of the transmission of human life, how we obey or don’t obey the Creator’s plan for the family is a factor in our eternal situation after death.”

The natural law declares the will of God, and its faithful observance is necessary for men’s eternal salvation.” In regard to the family, that means one man and one woman united for life and open to new life. To part from this is to take a step or many steps on the broad way that leads to destruction.

Since the family is so much a part of God’s plan for our natural happiness and for our eternal happiness, we shouldn’t be surprised that the Enemy of the human race is sowing “diabolic disorientation” round about the family, with ever greater audacity and intensity.

Sister Lucia dos Santos predicted that the final battle between Christ and Satan would be over marriage and the family. So she wrote to Cardinal Caffarra.

For the family, as for everyone else and everything else, there is salvation only in Jesus Christ. And our Divine Lord has willed to entrust the peace of the world and the peace of the nations to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Since “the future of humanity will come to pass by way of the family,” our families need to entrust themselves to the Mother of God.

“Tell people that God gives graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,” said Saint Jacinta. “Tell them also to pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for peace, since God has entrusted it to Her.”

The happiness and the salvation of our families have been entrusted to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart. Let us fervently seek these graces from Her!


