The Necessity of Detachment in the Spiritual Life

Editor’s Note: As we near the end of Advent, the subject of detachment is eminently appropriate. Advent is a time of penance and prayer when we focus on the Coming of Christ – both in Bethlehem but also at the end of time. During Advent we should spend time contemplating the Four Last Things. We strive to imitate the Holy Family who willingly embraced poverty. When God assumed a human nature and entered the world, He chose to be born in a cave amidst animals and laid in a manger. One of the fruits we pray for as we meditate on the Third Joyful Mystery is “detachment from the world.”

Humility and Prayer

“Humility embraces the virtue of detachment. It seeks the good of self after God and neighbor. Humility moves us to rely on God’s goodness and grace, helping us to understand that this life is not about us and that our will must be united with God’s will” (Father Christopher House).

There is a story handed down among Carmelites about a young novice. She goes before the Mother Superior and asks, “May I work while I pray.” The Mother Superior shakes her head in disapproval and disappointment. A short while later the novice returns to ask, “Mother, may I pray while I work?” This question brings a smile and a nod.

The practice of The Way of Perfection, as it is called by St. Teresa of Avila, calls us to set aside times devoted exclusively to God. Then we must also remember to pray throughout the day while doing other things – blending prayer and activity.

Carmelite Spirituality and Detachment as Foundational in the Spiritual Life

St. Teresa, who lived from 1515 to 1582, defined stages of prayer and sought out union with God through deep contemplation. She experienced such mystical love for Our Lord that at times she was even lifted off the ground!

At the time when St. Teresa entered the convent with a clear vocation, other women entered because they had nowhere else to go, whether they had a vocation or not. The nuns wore jewelry. Money determined rank. The original dedication to silence and deep prayer, which is traced back to Elijah, had been lost. Saint Teresa, joined later by St. John of the Cross, founded a reformed Order called the Discalced (or “shoeless”) Carmelites. She wrote several books in order to instruct her nuns in cloistered prayer. Her deep study into how to pray, formed the basis of all further theological study in this area. But she was not without suffering. Many in the mainstream Carmelite order resisted her work, spoke ill of her, and even had her co-worker St. John of the Cross imprisoned and tortured for a year.

The prominent themes in the writings of the Carmelite saints include:

  1. Humility before God is of utmost importance.
  2. Detachment from worldly things comes easier and is absolutely necessary as we reach toward Heaven.
  3. We need the help of a Spiritual Director, so we are not deceived by the devil. If nothing else, seek regular use of the Sacrament of Confession.
  4. We need discernment regarding any “consolations” (mystical experiences) because the devil can mask himself in such gifts.
  5. Deep prayer leads to union with God and complete surrender to His Will. This is contemplation.

Detachment Is Necessary for Salvation

A lack of detachment is the root of many contentions and envy. It fuels anger, gives rise to injustice, and feeds pride. I doubt there is any violation of God’s commandments that does not involve an inordinate attachment to created things. Just think of the occasions when someone might lie, steal, or kill. Note as well how each of the seven capital sins involves a lack of proper detachment.

In many respects, wealth can be a hindrance to our eternal salvation. Yet, it is possible to become a saint even while possessing what is far more than the average person, as indicated by the life of St. Casimir of Poland, St. Louis IX of France, and others. Conversely, it is possible for a poor person to become so greedy over the few items that he does own that he loses his salvation because of it.

In all things, we must practice complete indifference to things. Whether God blesses us with many earthly possessions or few, we must be indifferent to earthly things. All things – whether in large or small quantity – are only means to help us achieve our eternal salvation. In the words of St. Ignatius of Loyola in his spiritual exercises: “Therefore, we must make ourselves indifferent to all created things, as far as we are allowed by free choice and are not under any prohibition. Consequently, as far as we are concerned, we should not prefer health to sickness, riches to poverty, honor to dishonor, a long life to a short.”[1]

And this detachment to earthly things and concerns solely for the love of God and adherence to the Commandments is required for salvation – regardless of any of our unique situations or circumstances. We should pray for the virtue of detachment especially as we meditate on the Nativity of Our Lord in Bethlehem, since the King of Kings was born in such a humble place – a feeding trough for animals.

Spend some time listening to Fr. Rodriguez speak on the importance of detachment in the spiritual life. And pray to Our Lord and Our Lady for the graces you need to be holy.


[1] St. Ignatius of Loyola, The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius: Based on Studies in the Language of the Autograph, edited and translated by Father Louis J. Puhl, S.J. (The Newman Press, 1951), p. 12.


