Francis’ Compromised “Gang of Nine” Promises “Clarifications” In Response to Archbishop Viganò’s Indictment. Francis Remains Behind His Stone Wall

Fatima Perspectives #1232

As Francis continues to stonewall Archbishop Viganò’s historic j’accuse, as to which he has declared he will “not say a word about this,” the Vatican Press Office reports that Francis’ “Gang of Nine”­ — or at least the six who showed up for the most recent session on September 10 — has issued a “Declaration” which states that “the Council of Cardinals… expressed its full solidarity with Pope Francis with regard to the events of recent weeks, aware that in the current debate the Holy See is about to make the eventual and necessary clarifications.”

Debate?  Clarifications?  First of all, there is no debate here, but rather a direct, specific and clearly credible accusation:

  • That on Sunday, June 23, 2013, during an audience with Francis, after Francis asked him “What is Cardinal McCarrick like?”, Archbishop Viganò told him that “if you ask the Congregation for Bishops there is a dossier this thick about him. He corrupted generations of seminarians and priests and Pope Benedict ordered him towithdraw to a life of prayer and penance.”
  • That having been told this, Francis “did not make the slightest comment about those very grave words of mine and did not show any expression of surprise on his face, as if he had already known the matter for some time, and he immediately changed the subject.”
  • That for five years, before he was finally forced to discipline McCarrick after worldwide reports of his rape of an altar boy some 47 years ago, Francis rehabilitated the monster, who had lobbied for his election, gave him missions, and took his advice concerning the elevation of the pro-homosexual prelates Cupich, Tobin and Farrell to the College of Cardinals and prestigious sees.

What “clarifications” does the Vatican have in mind?  Will it deny that this conversation ever took place?  Will it deny that Francis knew about McCarrick’s crimes at least as of June 23, 2013?  Will it deny that McCarrick’s advice was sought concerning the elevation of Cupich, Tobin and Farrell? Will it deny that, knowing of McCarrick’s past, Francis did nothing to discipline him but on the contrary favored him for five years?

Anything less than such denials will constitute nothing but an admission of guilt.  Nor will any attack on the character or reputation of Archbishop Viganò be perceived as anything other than an attempt to put the witness on trial in order to distract from the truth of his allegations.

At this point in a massive scandal the Vatican is attempting to recast as a “debate,” some 29 bishops have publicly declared Viganò’s allegations against Francis credible and worthy of investigation.  Even the distinguished canonist Edward Peters, a Referendary of the Apostolic Signatura appointed by Pope Benedict XVI, declares that if Viganò’s allegations are true “I would say, without hesitation, that Francis should resign.”

The Vatican spin machine will not be able to spin Francis out of this one.  Francis must deny categorically the allegations against him or it will be apparent to the whole Catholic world that he is guilty as charged and that, indeed, he should resign the papacy.

Moreover, the very “Gang of Nine” that proposes to defend Francis with “clarifications” is itself subject to allegations of the cover-up of homosexual predation.  As noted by “Cardinals Errazuriz, Maradiaga, and O’Malley” — all members of the Council of Cardinals — “have also been criticized for failure to respond to sex-abuse complaints. Cardinal Pell himself has been charged with sexual abuse, and has taken a leave from his duties while answering criminal charges in his native Australia.” Indeed, Maradiaga is at this very moment actively protecting a group of rampant homosexuals in his own seminary.

Cunningly enough, however, the Council’s “Declaration” suggests that it has “decided to ask the pope for a reflection on the work, the structure, and composition of the Council itself, taking into account the advanced age of some members.”  The “advanced age.” Right!  Just whom do they think they are kidding? It is obviously the plan that Errazuriz, Maradiaga, and O’Malley will be quietly removed as they are all over age 75 and that their particular scandals will then be buried.

It’s all falling apart for Francis and his collaborators.  Or so one can hope.  In any case, God will not be mocked and sooner or later the season of lies and corruption will end, and the Church will have her season of justice.


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