Ecclesial Rabies in the Amazon

Fatima Perspectives #1315

The “vision” that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is determined to impose upon the Church as Pope Francis increasingly reveals itself as more than a mere debacle.  The coming synod on the Amazon, whose theme is the supposedly admirable “Face of the Amazon,” threatens not only the integrity of the Faith but revealed religion itself as it proposes nothing less than the approval of pagan idolatry and superstition.

If someone wanted to parody this pontificate, one would be hard-pressed to exceed this preposterous synod, which illustrates the truth of what someone (I have long since forgotten who) once said about our time: that satire has become impossible because the absurdities that surround us are already incapable of enlargement.

An article at the Remnant website, which first appeared on the website of The Freedoms Project, reminds us of just how ghastly an absurdity is involved in romanticizing the degraded condition of “indigenous peoples” of the Amazon region in the jungles of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guyana, Guyana, Perú, Venezuela and Surinam.  The true “face of the Amazon” has these features:

  • Infanticide: [quoting study] “around twenty tribal groups out of Brazil’s three hundred practise infanticide, and it’s estimated that aroundone hundred children are killed each year…. Thus twins, disabled or sick children were killed (and are still being killed) after birth. And if a mother dies in childbirth, her child will almost certainly be killed.”
  • Suicide: “In Brazil’s Zuruahá tribe ‘some parents whose children have been marked by the community for infanticide prefer to commit suicide, rather than see the children killed…. The philosophy of the Zuruahá says that there are only two paths for human existence: the first, via suicide by poisoning, called kunaha, which leads to heaven for those who take the poison (…). Their rites, chants and prayers relate to and are aimed towards this true existence. The second path leads to death through old age; this is a path that today is considered arduous…’”
  • Cannibalism: “One of the most shocking customs found in the Amazon is ritual cannibalism. This has been documented as being practised by the Yanomami and Wari’ tribes… ‘[T]he Wari’ tribe of Brazil, ate the flesh of both their own dead tribesmen and of their enemies, even into the late twentieth century. Endocannibalsim – the eating of insiders, was seen as a type of funerary rite, proving that the deceased had actually passed from the earth….”
  • Drug Use: “‘[T]he use of drugs in spiritual healing rituals is common,’ including ‘the culture’s hallucenogenic drug, ayahuasca… In several tragic cases, tourists have murdered friends and associates while under the influence of ayahuasca. [quoting study] The use of ayahuasca is widespread and represents the basis of traditional medicine practice for at least 75 different indigenous tribes across the Lower and Upper Amazon….’”

Even if, as the article notes, only a few tribes engage in these evil practices, “the problem lies in the philosophy employed by these peoples to justify their actions, and the fact that the Instrumentum Laboris exhorts Catholics to adopt those philosophies.” Moreover, the Yanomamis, “besides their habits of killing their offspring and eating their enemies, are also extremely resistant to evangelisation. In 53 years of missionary presence, there have been no baptisms.”

But then, the Instrumentum Laboris is pervaded by the theme that pagan spirituality has merits and that a program of Christian conversion, including its cultural manifestations, would constitute “colonialism” that compromises the admirable “cosmovision” of the Amazonian tribes to which the Church must adapt herself in that region.

Madness is the only word for this synod. And madness is what best describes the “diabolical disorientation” of Church leaders to which Sister Lucia at Fatima referred repeatedly in her correspondence. We seem to be witnessing the late stages of a kind of ecclesial rabies, a word derived precisely from the Latin for “madness.”

Our Lady of Fatima, intercede for us!


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