The Sanctification of Our Actions.
“He hath done all things well.” — St. Matt. 7:37.
Our Lord does not measure our perfection by the number and greatness of the works we do, but by the manner in which we do them; and this manner is the love with which and by which we perform them. Actions are more perfect according as the love with which they are performed is more pure and more perfect. — St. John of the Cross.
“Love God and do that which love will tell you,” Ama et fac quod vis, said St. Augustine.
St. Francis Borgia did not always preach according to the liking of his audience, neither in the subjects he treated nor the manner of addressing them. Nevertheless, he never preached without much fruit, because it was purely for God that he announced the divine word.
A person who desired to perform all her actions for the love of God began them by making upon herself the sign of the cross, saying: In the name of for the love of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Yes, my God, such is my intention.
My God, I offer Thee the action that I do. I desire to do it, as well as all the other actions of my life, for love, pure love. Grant that this may be the motive which animates everyone in all his actions.