“Be simple as doves.” — St. Matt. 10:16.
God is a being very simple. This is why, if we desire to make ourselves, as far as it is possible, like to Him, we should endeavor to be by virtue what God is by nature; that is, to have a heart simple, a mind simple, an intention simple, a manner simple, a language simple; to walk honestly, without artifice, with an exterior conformable to our interior, regarding God alone in all our actions, Whom alone we should desire to please. — St. Vincent de Paul.
A worthy priest, wishing to profit by this advice of St. Vincent de Paul, wrote the following resolution, which he often read:
In order to possess a simple heart, I will examine several times during the day whether there is any disorderly affection in my heart; I will renounce the seven capital sins and say to my God, Thou art the God of my heart, Thou art my God and my All.
In order to have simplicity of heart, I will never condemn anyone, being edified at all the good I see, excusing the intention of those who do ill.
In order to have a simple intention, I will propose in the beginning of my actions a supernatural motive.
I will avoid in my manner of speaking, in my walk, my actions, my exterior, all that is opposed to simplicity and modesty.
My God, grant that all in me be simple — my heart, my mind, my manner, my language. In all my actions I will regard only thee, I will desire only to please Thee.