08/12/04 – Pagan Leader to Speak at Saint Joseph’s Oratory: Update!
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will speak at Saint Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal. Shankar, according to the Associated Press, “has become the rage of New Age spiritualism”. … But if the Sri Sri event is not a religious one, why is it being held at one of Canada’s most hallowed Catholic Shrines rather than at a local Fire Hall or a school gymnasium? Why are Catholics involved with organizing it in the first place?
08/11/04 – Help Us Save St. Joseph’s Oratory From Pagan Influence!!
A scandal is scheduled to take place at the famous shrine, St. Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal, Canada on August 14, 2004. A man named Sri Sri Ravi Shankar – who is the “founder of the Art of Living Foundation, a United Nations non-governmental organization” – is scheduled to speak, teach and/or do meditation in the Basilica!