Patience – Ninth Day of April


If Our Lord gave you the power to raise the dead, He would give you much less than when He sends you sufferings. You would be indebted to Him for the gift of miracles; but in sending you sufferings He is your debtor, if you bear them with patience. Were there no other recompense than to suffer for a God Who loves you, would it not be sufficiently great? He who loves understands.
— St. John of Vie Crots


This saint said that if Our Lord gave him the choice to be placed in heaven among the angels or in prison with Paul, he would prefer the prison to heaven. St. Louis, conversing with the king of England on the war in Turkey, where he had suffered much, remarked: “ I thank God with all my heart for the ill-success of this war. I rejoice more to have practised patience with the help of God at that time than if I had become the master of the world.”


Yes, it is a happiness to suffer for a God Who loves us. It is better to suffer with Him than to rejoice with Him. John felt more love for Jesus on Calvary than on Thabor. Grant, 0 Lord, that these reflections be ever present to my mind; and make me love the cross, make me carry my cross with joy and love.
