Have the Pilgrim Virgin Statue Visit

Have The Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima Come to Visit Your Area

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1) Get together with some friends and neighbors; pray a Rosary together, see if they are willing to help organize a Pilgrim Virgin Visit to your neighborhood. Choose someone from among you who will act as the Pilgrim Virgin Visit Co-ordinator.

2) A group of you go to ask your parish priest or chaplain to write a brief note authorizing the Visit to your church or chapel.

3) Please try to give us 2 or 3 alternate months in which you would prefer the day or several days’ visit.

4) If for any reason your priest cannot extend an invitation to this Canonical Statue blessed by the Pope to your church, you could still have a Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima Visit to your neighborhood if you can guarantee that 100 persons or more will be in attendance in a decorous place (hall or auditorium or arena) to welcome the Pilgrim Virgin, to pray at least 5 decades of the Rosary and hear a talk on Our Lady of Fatima’s Message.

5) To summarize what is needed you must have:

A. An invitation.

B. Workers to prepare for the Visit by prayer and by advertising the upcoming Visit.

Pope John Paul II said at Fatima, “Marian Shrines are places where Mary our Mother’s presence is felt in a particularly vivid way.” Since not everyone can go to Fatima, the Pope blessed this Pilgrim Virgin Statue to visit your area on pilgrimage so that you could feel in a special way Our Lady’s presence and hear Her message of hope and peace.

C. A place for the custodians of the Statue to stay overnight.

D. Tables to display the Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima and Marian literature and materials placed in a highly visible and easily accessible location.

E. A fitting place for this Canonical Statue to be enthroned.

F. Time must be provided for:
— The recitation of the Holy Rosary. 
— The faithful to make together the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
— A talk on the Message of Fatima. 
— Enrollment in the scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel of those persons who wish to be invested.

6) The Statue is accompanied by a custodian with one or two helpers. Usually Father Gruner or another Roman Catholic priest accompanies this Canonical Statue, but on occasion it may be a Catholic layman who is in charge of the Statue.

7) Since we are only able to promote these visits through the generosity of our Lady’s friends, we cannot go great distances without being assured of a wide audience to support by their free will offerings the great expenses involved.

8) Therefore in the event that you are a long way away from other visits of the statue and that you are unable to schedule several visits in your area, you must provide plane tickets for the custodians and the statue before the statue can visit your area.


For further information about the Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima’s visits, write: THE FATIMA CENTER