“What Our Lady Wants Is the Consecration of Russia”

Time and again Sister Lucy explained, “Our Lady of Fatima did NOT ask for the consecration of the world, but the Consecration of RUSSIA.”

Following are testimonies of various personal interviews with Sister Lucy over many years where she repeats the same point again and again:

In Our Lady of Fatima (1947), pg. 226; Professor William Thomas Walsh reports: “Lucy made it plain that Our Lady did not ask for the consecration of the world to Her Immaculate Heart. What She demanded specifically was the consecration of Russia.”

In the book, Vision of Fatima, 1949, page 80; Father Thomas McGlynn reports that Sister Lucy was emphatic at correcting consecration of the world to read consecration of Russia. “No!” Sister Lucy said. “Not the world! Russia, Russia!”

In the book, Il Pellegrinaggio Della Meraviglie, published under the auspices of the Italian Episcopate (Rome 1960, page 440) a little-known revelation of Our Lady of Fatima to Sister Lucy is recounted. The Virgin Mary appeared to Sister Lucy and said: “Make it known to the Holy Father that I am always awaiting the Consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart. Without the Consecration, Russia will not be able to convert, nor will the world have peace.”

Father Umberto Maria Pasquale, S.D.B., had known Sister Lucy since 1939. Up to 1982, he had received 157 letters from her. On May 12, 1982, Father Umberto wrote in L’Osservatore Romano (the Pope’s own newspaper) that Our Lady of Fatima never asked for the consecration of the world but only of Russia.

 On August 5, 1978, he asked her in person, “Has Our Lady ever spoken to you about the consecration of the world to Her Immaculate Heart? And she replied, “NO, Father Umberto, NEVER! At the Cova da Iria in 1917, Our Lady promised: ‘I shall come to ask for the Consecration of Russia…’.”

Father Umberto, wanting a written reply to his question, wrote Sister Lucy a letter. On April 13, 1980, Sister Lucy wrote back: “In replying to your question, I will clarify: Our Lady of Fatima, in Her request, only referred to the Consecration of Russia …”

Father Manuel Rocha, a native of Portugal, was the assigned translator for Professor Walsh for the interview noted above. He reports a detail that makes it even more clear that all of us are at risk if the Consecration of Russia is not done in time. To continue what Mr. Walsh reported above, we quote:

“But she (Sister Lucy) said more than once, and with deliberate emphasis: ‘What Our Lady wants is that the Pope and all the bishops in the world shall Consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart on one special day. If this is done, She will convert Russia and there will be peace. If it is not done, the errors of Russia will spread through every country in the world.’” Professor Walsh) “Does this mean, in your opinion, that every country, without exception, will be overcome by Communism?” (Sister Lucy) “YES!” (Our Lady of Fatima, 1947, page 226)

Father Rocha testified that Mr. Walsh wanted to be positive about the answer of Sister Lucy and repeated the question adding, “and does that mean the United States of American too?” Sister Lucy again answered, “YES!” (This is reported in the book The Wonders She Performs, 1986, page 160.)
Sister Lucy asked Jesus why He would not convert Russia except through that Consecration. Jesus replied:

“Because I want My whole Church to recognize that Consecration as a triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that later on My Church will extend the devotion to the Immaculate Heart and place this devotion beside devotion to My Sacred Heart.

The only way to convert Russia is for the Pope and the bishops, in union, at one specific time to Consecrate specifically Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Only then, will the world have Peace. The alternative of not obeying the command of the Queen of Heaven is annihilation of nations and enslavement.

“Without the Consecration, Russia will not be able to convert, nor will the world have peace.”