Synod 2018 Updates


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Will you help us? To be able to accomplish these things we need your prayers and, if possible, your financial assistance! We can only do as much as your generosity allows! These endeavors are costly. Advertising in Rome is costly. Transporting, housing and feeding our valiant warriors in Rome is costly. We need your help!


We cannot exaggerate the urgency of the present moment!

If ever there was a crucial time in the final battle between satan and Our Lady, it is now! Have you followed the news? The heartbreaking, shocking, terrible, scandalous news!?!

  • Pray a Rosary novena from Oct. 5 to Oct 13, the 101st anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun. This novena will be in reparation for sins against the holiness of the Church.
  • We have invited all of our Facebook followers – we have more than 180,000 in Italy alone! – to join us in praying this novena.
  • Process with Our Lady’s statue while praying this novena near the site of the Synod in Rome. We will pray the 15-decade Rosary as we process. We will also have a daily Mass of reparation in Rome.
  • We will have trotters – roving billboards on trucks – moving about Rome, proclaiming the Fatima Message.
  • We will have daily reports from Rome on our web sites.
  • We will bombard the media with the Fatima Message to the extent that our resources allow.

Our Lady warned us. In the 1973 message of Akita, which then-Cardinal Ratzinger said was a continuation of the Fatima Message, Our Lady said Cardinals would turn against Cardinals and bishops against bishops. We must work and pray ever more fervently that the Holy Father and the bishops will heed the requests of Our Lady of Fatima. Petition Our Holy Father for the Consecration of Russia.

Today, that prophecy is fulfilled!

Now is our time! The time for the truth of Fatima to blaze forth in a light of glory!
Please, be a part of this glorious campaign for truth at the Synod in Rome.

We made a stand in Ireland. As pro-homosexual speaker Father James Martin addressed the Vatican-sponsored meeting, we were on the sidewalk, gathered around Our Lady’s statue, praying the Rosary, singing hymns and passing out literature.

People saw us. Some joined us. Some cried tears of joy to see the Catholic Faith so loved and honored!

Now, under the guise of reaching out to youth, the Pope and certain hand-picked Cardinals and bishops are convening a synod in Rome that threatens Catholic teaching on such issues as contraception, abortion, homosexuality, cohabitation, the permanency of marriage, and the priesthood.

We are going to the Eternal City to confront this threat and to witness to Catholic Truth and the Message of Fatima. Stand with us under Our Lady’s banner. We cannot be defeated!

Now, we are preparing for an epic battle in Rome, where the Synod (“Sin-nod”, as some call it) on Youth is soon to take place. At this Synod, unless we prevent it, an apocalyptic overthrow of Catholic teaching on sexuality will occur!

We need you! We need your prayers and your help! We are on the front lines and we can only counter the assaults of the enemy if you stand behind us!

We must make certain that every bishop in the world, every priest we can reach, every lay person we can reach, knows the truth of Fatima!

This is a crucial moment in the history of the Church and the history of the Fatima Message. We are at a turning point. We must not falter! Be forearmed and forewarned! Know these 10 Important Fatima Questions Answered

If ever the words of Our Lady needed to be heard loudly and clearly in Rome

and throughout the world, THAT TIME IS NOW!



