Top Priority


“All of us (or almost all of us) have not taken the Fatima Message, the Fatima requests, the Fatima commands of Jesus and Mary seriously enough. We have not made them our top priority, our most important duty – our obligation to do all we can under pain of sin. The important thing to realize is that we will be held personally accountable for not doing our part if we delay any longer to do all in our power to promote awareness of this request and to pray and sacrifice for this intention.”“All of us (or almost all of us) have not taken the Fatima Message, the Fatima requests, the Fatima commands of Jesus and Mary seriously enough. We have not made them our top priority, our most important duty – our obligation to do all we can under pain of sin. The important thing to realize is that we will be held personally accountable for not doing our part if we delay any longer to do all in our power to promote awareness of this request and to pray and sacrifice for this intention.” … Father Nicholas Gruner, 2013

May 31, 2017May 31, 2017
Queenship of the
Blessed Virgin Mary

Dear Friend of Our Lady,

There seems to be a disturbing trend occurring. A question is being asked in a few different ways, and it is a question that is coming from some whom we would not expect to hear it from. It is a question that shows either a lack of knowledge of Catholic teaching, or a possible lack of Faith in God.

The question involves the current pope and the issue of the Consecration of Russia. The pope is the one who has to initiate and make a public act of Consecration to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart in union with all the Catholic bishops of the world. He is the one who has to order the bishops to join him in doing the Consecration.

The question being asked varies – but it always concerns some issue having to do with the pope. Here is some of what is being stated (and asked):

This pope has no interest in doing the Consecration and no interest in Fatima, so what good is it petitioning him or praying for him to do the Consecration?

This pope is a manifest heretic and has separated himself from the Faith, so how can he do the Consecration?

This pope may be an anti-pope, so how is the Consecration going to get done? And even if he does it, will it mean anything?

This pope might not be the pope since there are those who say there is proof that Benedict never resigned the papacy and therefore Francis might not be the pope, so how can heThis pope might not be the pope since there are those who say there is proof that Benedict never resigned the papacy and therefore Francis might not be the pope, so how can he do the Consecration?

I refer you again to the statement of Father Gruner at the top of page 1. The answer to the question posed in a variety of ways as noted above is the same –

We lay Catholics just need to do our part – that is, do the five things Our Lady of Fatima asked us to do, one of which is to get back into the state of grace and lead a truly Catholic life – and trust Our Lord and Our Lady enough to leave the rest up to Them!

Part of leading a Catholic life is defending the Faith, defending the rights of Christ the King and His One, True Church – even to the pope.

If enough of the lay faithful do their/our part, then God will take care of the rest. Let Him worry about whether or not the pope is the pope, or the pope is a heretic, etc.

When Catholic laity are doing what Our Lady asked at Fatima, then God will either convert the current pope and give him the graces needed to do the Consecration, or He will raise up the pope that will do the Consecration. But we don’t have to worry about that part; we just have to be concerned with doing our part.

On a similar issue, even though the current pope is promoting widespread heretical teachings on a much grander scale than 4 of the last 5 popes (John Paul I was only pope for 33 days), Catholics have been enduring heresy and error on a large scale within the Church for at least 50 years now.

With heretical and non-Catholic ideas being promoted by more recent popes, and by many bishops and priests as well, people have asked who do we believe or who do we listen to? There is only one answer – the teachings of 2000 years as contained in Catholic Tradition and the infallible dogmatic definitions.

If we are studying the Faith – the true Catholic Faith – if we have amended our lives as Our Lady of Fatima asked (and warned) and are in the state of grace, if we are doing the 5 things Our Lady of Fatima asked us to do, then we can, and should, be at peace in our hearts no matter what is happening in the Church and the world! It is that simple, and such simplicity is very, very Catholic.

Enclosed is Issue 106 of The Fatima Crusader. This magazine was published with content intended to encourage supporters to attend what would end up being the last bishops conference Our Lady’s Apostolate hosted – in September 2013.

Father Gruner’s article beginning on page 2, “WHY Fatima:

The Path To Peace! Is Critically Important”, contains the words of Father Gruner quoted on the top of page 1. This article is well worth reading. It gives some Church history – including the time of the Great Western Schism (see page 47) beginning in the 1300s and lasting for more than 30 years – that is significant for, and should help us in, this critical time in the Church.

People who lost their souls during the Great Schism (and during the entire 2000 years of Catholic history) did so for the same reason they do today – NOT because of the crisis in the Church – but because they stop practicing and living the true Faith established by Christ.

For copies of Issue 106 of The Fatima Crusader, call us at 1-800-845-3047 or return the enclosed reply form.

The 100th Anniversary of Our Lady’s First Apparition

May 13 – 100 years to the day of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s first apparition at Fatima – was a very busy time for Our Lady’s Apostolate:

In Cleveland, Ohio, Our Lady’s Army of Advocates Conference, the first of two scheduled for this year, took place with a full line-up of dynamic speakers and a good attendance by supporters.

In Fatima, Portugal – yours truly covered the historic event – video coverage and photos can be seen on our website In addition to the 100th anniversary, theIn Fatima, Portugal – yours truly covered the historic event – video coverage and photos can be seen on our website In addition to the 100th anniversary, the Canonization of Jacinta and Francisco took place as well.

Though there were discrepancies in the media about the turnout in Fatima for the 100th anniversary, members of some of the oldest families living in Fatima since the days of the first apparitions, believe there were 3,000,0000 who came to pay homage to Our Lady on the historic anniversary and the Canonization.

Distribution of Fatima Center literature in Portugal is planned over the 6-month time period encompassing all 6 of Our Lady’s apparitions.

In Rome, Italy – beginning a week before the anniversary, posters and billboards were put up, plus trotters which circulated around the Vatican – all containing the same message – 100 years and Our Lady is still waiting!

There was also distribution of our apostolate literature in Rome, mainly in the area of Saint Peter’s. The posters and trotters plus distribution of Fatima Center literature will be ongoing throughout each of the successive anniversaries of Our Lady’s apparitions over the six month period.

In the Philippines – staff and volunteers from our office in Manila distributed literature and participated in various events commemorating the 100th anniversary.

In St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada – a Fatima Day was hosted by The Holy Face of Jesus church. Events included Mass, talks on the Message of Fatima, a procession with one of our main Fatima Center Pilgrim Virgin Statues and free Fatima Center literature given away by staff. The turnout was approximately 400 – the largest this church has ever had for such an event – which resulted in a very impressive procession with police escort through the streets of St. Catharines.

Do You Know?

Also enclosed with this letter is a new reprint of the leaflet, Do You Know?, which gives a basic, concise overview of the Fatima Message. If you are familiar with this leaflet which Our Lady’s Apostolate has been reprinting and distributing for over 25 years, you will notice a few minor adjustments that have been made.

The leaflet is available in four other languages – Spanish, French, Portuguese and Italian. It is one of the items our distributors in Italy and Portugal will be giving away this year.

And just recently, I am happy to say, the leaflet has been translated into Russian! We plan to use it to reach out and educate the people of that nation on Our Lady’s Message.

For copies of the leaflet, Do You Know?, return the enclosed reply form, or call us at 1-800-845-3047.

In the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts,

Joanna Swords