Patience – Tenth Day of April


“One should regard it as a disgrace to suffer nothing for God ; yes, hold it as certain that he who has nothing to suffer, and whom all the world admires, is not far from a fall.”
— St. Vincent dc Paul.


This saint, wishing to give some salutary advice to the missionaries of his congregation upon the occasion of a Patience. 83 calamity which had befallen them, said: “ Considering that everything has succeeded with us for some time past, I had commenced to fear what would follow this calm, as it is the way of God to try His servants; but blessed be the Divine Goodness that has deigned to visit us with this great loss!”

A holy old man who had passed a year without being sick was much afflicted. “ God has without doubt abandoned me, since He visits me no more,” said he. St. Francis and St. Andrew thought that the Lord was not pleased with them the day upon which He did not send them something to suffer for His love.


Lord, am I not in disgrace, since I have nothing to suffer for Thee? Look upon the disposition of my heart. I will prepare for the storm while it is yet calm, so that when Thou visitest me, when Thou triest me, I may embrace my cross and bless Thee while I bear it.
