St. Francis of Assisi

Obedience – Twenty-Ninth Day of June


The perfection of a person in a community consists in an exact obedience to the rules. He who observes them most faithfully will without doubt be the most perfect. — Rodriguez.

St. Vincent de Paul was always the first at all the exercises of the community, because of his love for the Rule. He never failed to kneel upon entering his room, and also before leaving it, as it was a point of the Rule; although towards the end of his life he found much difficulty in so doing on account of a weakness in his limbs.

  1. Joli, Superior-General of the Congregation of the Mission, replied to a Superior of one of their houses who had asked for some exceptions from the Rule: “Our Rule is contrary to what you ask; we should love it strongly. I can give you no better reason.”

St. Jane Frances, appearing fatigues one day during recreation, the religious begged her to go to her room and rest. She replied, smiling: “Ah, what would we do with a Rule that would order work in the time of recreation?”

The companions of St. Louis Gonzaga attest that they never saw him fail in a single point of the Rule.


My God, I love the Rule, because in obeying it I accomplish Thy will and I do what is agreeable to Thee. Grant that I may be always faithful to it, for love of Thee.
