Conformity to the Will of God.
“Not my will, but Thine be done.” — St. Matt. 36:39
Perfect resignation is nothing more than the moral annihilation of our thoughts and affections. We acquire this in abandoning ourselves entirely to God, to be guided according to His good pleasure. — Bl. Henry Suzo.
St. Catharine of Genoa had reached this holy annihilation. She had neither desire nor affection for the things of earth, wishing only that God would do in her and with her as He willed, resolved to offer no resistance. She one day remarked: “Whether I eat or drink, whether I speak or remain silent, whether I sleep or wake, walk or rest, I belong to God, I am ready to obey Him.”
My God, direct me according to Thy good pleasure. Do with me as Thou wilt — Thou art the Master. I will always say, “All is well,” whatever Thou dost.