There is a war going on in the Church


“He that is not with me, is against me; and he that
gathereth not with me, scattereth.” (Luke 11:23)

March 20, 2017
Feast of Saint Joseph

Dear Friend of our Lady,

“There is a war going on in the Church.” These words were spoken by a priest during this past Sunday’s sermon. What an accurate way of describing the circumstances occurring today in the Church. And the war is coming right from the Vatican.

Only those not seeking the truth – that is, the spiritually blind – do not, or will not, see it.

The Fatima Center’s Rapid Response Team was recently sent to Rome to defend the rights of Christ the King and His one true Church, to educate Catholics on Church teaching, and to make reparation for the latest sacrilege.

I am referring to the desecration of Saint Peter’s Basilica that took place on March 13, when the Anglicans were invited to conduct an inter-faith prayer service known as Evensong – prayers implemented after the Protestant Revolt to supplant Catholic Vespers.

Vespers is one of the hours of the Divine Office which is said daily by Catholic priests. It is also one of the hours in the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The sacrilege took place on the anniversary of Pope Francis’ election as Pope, ironically at the altar of the Chair of St. Peter, which symbolizes the primacy and universal jurisdiction of the Pope.

Yet the Church of England, the term often used by the British monarchy to identify their belief system, was established for the purpose of evading or usurping the God-given authority of the Pope.

While in Rome we distributed a new leaflet, a copy of which is enclosed with this letter, entitled Ecumenical Madness: Anglican “Vespers” at the Vatican.

In the leaflet you will read that inter-faith or “ecumenical” prayer services, also sometimes referred to as worship in common, has always been condemned and forbidden by Church teaching for two reasons:

  1. Because participating in such events exposes Catholics to false doctrine and practice – i.e. the false doctrine and practices of the non-Catholics participating;
  2. Such worship in common implies or gives the false impression to the non-Catholic participants that they do not need to convert to the one true Church established by Christ – the Catholic Church – in order to be saved.

The leaflet gives the origins of Anglicanism – a system falsely proclaiming to believe in, and follow Jesus Christ while actually betraying Our Lord by rejecting His teachings. It was a “religion” established to validate sin, specifically to fulfill the sinful desires of a monarch gone wrong.

The leaflet also lists the errors of Anglicanism and the need for Catholics to resist these errors. This includes resisting the Pope and other Catholic clergy who are sacrilegiously promoting participation in these inter-faith services and subsequently leading souls away from Heaven.

Because of the phone calls we receive at The Fatima Center, we know that such inter-faith services are also being promoted in many diocesan parishes in North America. Catholics must not participate in worship in common with non-Catholics and must resist by leaving the parish where such things are happening or being promoted.

Ideally, Catholics should also speak to the priests of these parishes, charitably instructing them about Catholic teaching that cannot be changed, not even by a Pope.

For copies of the leaflet, Ecumenical Madness: Anglican “Vespers” at the Vatican, call us at 1-800-845-3047 or return the enclosed reply form.

Fatima, Islam & Our Lady’s Coming Triumph

The above sub-heading is the name of our latest booklet which you may have recently received. Fatima, Islam & Our Lady’s Coming Triumph is well worth reading.

The author, Matt Gaspers, addresses the falsehood spread by the media, the government and even certain clergy from within the Church that Islam is a “religion of peace” and addresses the truth that it is anything but a “peaceful” belief system.

Only those who willfully choose to bury their heads in the sand could believe such a thing despite all evidence to the contrary. It wouldn’t surprise me if these people, with blinders on, are part of the same family of misguided – deliberately or not – and useful idiots as those who promote the falsehood that the Consecration of Russia has been done – despite all evidence to the contrary.

Covered in the booklet are some of the more recent attacks by Islam (page 5); proofs of the evils of Islam as written in the Queran (Koran), beginning on page 13; the origins of Islam, beginning on page 10; and Heaven’s plan for the necessary conversion of Islam, beginning on page 19.

To receive a copy of this booklet, or for copies of the booklet, Fatima, Islam & Our Lady’s Coming Triumph, return the enclosed reply form or call us at 1-800-845-3047.

Catholics Expressing Difficulty Accepting Catholic Teaching

There are times when Our Lady’s Apostolate has produced and distributed literature, the content of which some find upsetting and disagree with, or outright reject.

Literature such as the following leaflets produced in the last year: St. John Bosco on Mohammedanism; The Truth About Lutheranism … and why NO Catholic should ever celebrate Luther!; and Genuine Mercy & Counterfeit Compassion.

It is likely that the same sorts of response may be incurred with the enclosed leaflet, Ecumenical Madness: Anglican “Vespers” at the Vatican, and possibly also with the new booklet, Fatima, Islam & Our Lady’s Coming Triumph.

If you encounter these situations when trying to distribute these leaflets or booklets, remind the dissenting recipient that it is not your words that he or she is objecting to or rejecting, but rather, it is Jesus Christ Himself and His words and teachings that they are rejecting.

These leaflets and booklets contain Catholic teaching based on tradition and infallible dogmatic definitions. Regarding The Truth About Lutheranism leaflet, we received mail from persons who had read books about Luther that identified him as a “decent” or “good” person, and thus took exception to the leaflet content which said the opposite – that he was anything but good or decent.

What is not understood is that books praising someone who led millions on the path to hell were either not written by Catholics, or were written by persons who were baptized Catholic but don’t know the Catholic Faith.

Father Gruner would often quote the following words of St. Thomas Aquinas: “Against a fact there is no argument”.

The followers of Martin Luther and Henry VIII stole Catholic churches and property (and never returned what they stole). And the Lutherans not only stole but desecrated and destroyed whole Catholic churches, sacred vessels and statues, etc.

Even worse – both led millions away from the one True Church established by Christ, and thus are responsible for the loss of millions of souls, which continues to this day.

The loss of a soul is the ultimate worst thing that can happen to someone – for they are separated from our Redeemer for eternity.

There is nothing more evil than to deliberately lead a soul away from Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. And these two men – and others who came after them also establishing false belief systems while professing belief in Christ – are responsible for leading millions of souls away.

Let us continue to work toward our sanctification by heeding the requests of Our Lady of Fatima, doing the five things She asked us to do, in order to hasten Her Triumph.

In the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts,

Joanna Swords