O Glorious Queen and Sweetest Mother,
we venerate Thee with all our heart, mind, and soul,
as we recall this day how Thou wast immaculately conceived.
Thou art all fair, O Mary, there is no spot of original sin in Thee.
Thy raiment is white as snow, and Thy countenance as the sun.
Thou art the exaltation of Jerusalem,
Thou art the great glory of Israel,
Thou art the great rejoicing of our nation.
O Virgin Mary, blessed art Thou of the Most High God, above all the women upon the earth.
The Lord God said to the serpent: I will put enmities between thee and the Woman,
and thy seed and Her Seed: She shall crush thy head, alleluia.
Draw us, Maiden undefiled, we will run after Thee in the odor of Thy perfumes.
The Fatima Center wishes you a grace-filled and blessed solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
In honor of Her great solemnity, we encourage you to:
- Watch Fr. Rodríguez’s sermon on the Immaculate Conception (2020); or
- Read about Fatima and the Immaculate Conception; or
- Pray the Divine Office of the day – in Her honor; or
- Pray all Fifteen Decades of the Rosary; or
- Share this article with a friend; or
- Meditate with Fr. Couture on the Immaculate Conception with any of his five videos from the Know Mary, Know Jesus series:
Today we also celebrate Father Michael Rodríguez’s Silver Ordination Anniversary.
We raise our hearts to God in thanksgiving for the priestly service and sacrifice rendered by Fr. Rodríguez to the Church. Twenty-five years ago, on Dec 8, 1996, Fr. Rodríguez received the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Please keep him in your prayers, especially that he may receive the grace to always know and do the holy Will of God; and to remain supremely faithful to Christ, His Church, and the Catholic Faith.