The Perfidious Revival of Martin Luther (Part 3)

While Luther today is being dignified by Protestants and Catholics alike, it seems to have escaped many that Martin Luther was an honorary member of the Rosicrucians, an occult secret society dating back to 1188, which was a preliminary form of the Freemasons. The task of the Knight of the Rosicrucians was to obliterate the Mass from the face of the earth. It was Luther who spearheaded this cause, as we read below.

“It is indeed upon the Mass as on a rock that the whole papal system is built, with its monasteries, its bishoprics, its collegiate churches, its altars, its ministries, its doctrine, i.e., with all its guts. All these cannot fail to crumble once their sacrilegious and abominable Mass falls.” (Martin Luther, Against Henry, King of England, Werke, Vol. X, p. 220.)

Conversations with Satan

The fact is that Martin Luther was in direct league with Lucifer. His famous colloquy with the devil in 1522 is telling, which is documented in Abraham Woodhead’s superlative book, The Spirit of Martin Luther (1687). Therein is discussed Luther’s “negotiations” and “conferences” with the devil. In his de Missa Privata & Sacerdotum Unctione (1533), Luther wrote of his “long experience” with Satan’s “arts and practices” and of “many a sad and bitter night” spent in talks with him.

His colloquy on the Mass is particularly significant, since this is what turned Luther against the Mass, after which he would never say Mass again. On that occasion, the devil in a “grave and strong voice” persuaded Luther that he had committed “idolatry” for fifteen years by adoring, and causing others to adore “naked bread and wine.” Consider  this blasphemy from Luther’s Abrogation of the Mass:

“I am convinced that by these three arguments [which he had previously made] every pious conscience will be persuaded that this priest of the Mass and the papacy is nothing but a work of satan, and will be sufficiently warned against imagining that by these priests anything pious or good is effected.”

Luther Denied the Eucharist

Let us be very clear: Luther did not believe in the Eucharist. That is, he did not believe in the Church’s dogmatic teaching that the substance of bread and wine become the very substance of Jesus Christ’s Body and Blood during the consecration of the Mass (Transubstantiation), nor did he believe in the power of the priesthood to confect and administer this and the other Sacraments.

He believed rather that the laity is a “common priesthood” (a gathering of two or three, or more) which alone brings the presence of Christ upon the assembly, and that the presence elicited by this collective priesthood is not a transubstantiated presence, but only a light blessing that descends upon the bread and wine, as when we bless our meals, so that what the people partake in is a “blessed meal” which merely symbolizes their unity as a body.

Note the emphasis placed upon the people, as if they were God or the true Body of Christ. Accordingly, Luther taught that after the service when the assembly disperses, the blessing likewise disperses and is no longer present, suggesting that the blessing is really about themselves, not about God.

Naturally, there is no blessing of any kind that descends upon these heretical gatherings. This is not to infer that all who participate in these gatherings are guilty of offense, since they may be misled, but those who drafted this fake religion in the beginning did so under Satan’s guidance.
