Fatima Perspectives #1244
Sandro Magister has a devastating analysis of the emerging signs of the depth of the betrayal of the Underground Church in China in the month following the secret accord between the Vatican and the communist dictators of Beijing.
The key points are these:
- Beijing sent two bishops of the “official Church” in China to the Synod on Youth and Blah, Blah, Blah, which everyone knows is an elaborate sham disguising a preconceived intent to inject into the Church the poisonous notion that there is such a thing as an “LGBT Catholic,” which would undermine the Church’s entire teaching on the evil of sexual depravity.
- If the two bishops were chosen by Beijing, it means that Rome now kowtows to communist overlords, but if Francis chose them it means, even worse, that he deliberately validated the false Church that Beijing has created in the Catholic Patriotic Association (CPA).
- The first puppet bishop Beijing sent to the Synod, John Baptist Yang Xiaoting, the so-called “bishop of Yan’an-Yulin,” is a member of the People’s Assembly of the province of Shanxi, an arm of the Chinese Communist Party.
- The second, Joseph Guo Jincai, the so-called “bishop of Chengde” is a member of the People’s National Assembly, which is the Party’s central parliamentary body.
- Both so-called bishops are also officers of the faux bishops’ council created by Beijing, the “Council of Chinese Bishops,” of which Yang Xiaoting is a vice-president and Guo Jincai a vice-president and the secretary general.
- Still worse, Francis has lifted the excommunication of Guo Jincai for having been consecrated without a papal mandate, one of the seven Chinese puppet bishops so favored. As “bishop of Chengde,” he now presides over a “diocese” that Beijing erected by fiat but which Francis now evidently recognizes as legitimate.
- Beijing has also appointed as “bishop of Lanzhou” the former “underground” bishop Joseph Han Zhihai, who, having caved in to government pressure, is now a local official of the CPA.
- Meanwhile, the former “underground” bishop Thaddeus Ma Daqin, who revoked his membership in the CPA only to retract his revocation and return to the CPA “fold”, is still under imprisonment on account of his “apostasy” from a communist pseudo-church.
- The French missionary priest and China expert Jean Charbonnier concedes that under the secret agreement whose contours are now coming to light, “Pope Francis has accepted the ‘democratic’ process that the Chinese have already repeatedly implemented” under which the CPA designates who the next bishop will be and Francis may only veto their choice. But “on the day the agreement was signed the pope did not exercise this veto right at all, on the contrary he practically disowned it. Because he said ‘yes’ to seven bishops who had previously been imposed by the regime without the agreement of the pope and even, for some, in spite of their explicit rejection by Rome.”
- What now comes into view is the impending death of the true Catholic Church in China, whose true bishops are not members of the CPA or the Council of Chinese Bishops, “that counterfeit episcopal conference which until just recently had never been recognized by Rome but has now received legitimization, seeing that the pope will have to take into consideration the candidates for the episcopacy that it will present to him.”
- Incredibly enough, as Charbonnier notes, this means that the “underground” bishops have become “doubly clandestine, in relation to [both] the State and the Church.” And given that 7 of the 17 remaining true bishops are over the age of 75, it is only a matter of time before the only “bishops” remaining in China are those of the CPA.
- Meanwhile, to complete the debacle, while the papal yearbook shows 144 Catholic dioceses in China, Beijing has decreed, via the CPA, that there will be only 96 under a reorganization plan, including the newly invented “diocese of Chengde,” and “Pope Francis seems to have given the go-ahead to the operation.”
In short, Francis has, in secret, authorized a death warrant for the Catholic Church in China. As Cardinal Burke declares, what Francis has done is “absolutely unconscionable” and “a betrayal of so many confessors and martyrs who suffered for years and years and were put to death.” It is also yet another sign of a quasi-apocalyptic situation in the Church whose resolution will have to involve Heaven’s direct and most dramatic intervention — one in which Our Lady of Fatima will play the leading role, as the Third Secret doubtless foretells.
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