What Is Communism?

Archbishop Sheen Understood Communism

In his book, Communism and the Conscience of the West (1948), Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen defines Communism as not merely a political or economic system but as a profound spiritual and moral crisis. It is a religion of its own that asserts the State as the absolute leader, the source of all hope, and the ultimate end of man’s [evolutionary and random] existence.

Archbishop Sheen rightly notes that Communism is built on materialism and atheism. It embraces the false theory of evolution, denies the spiritual nature of humanity, and reduces individuals to mere cogs in the machinery of the State. Communism argues that only matter exists – therefore, they deny the existence of the immortal soul, of angels and devils, of Heaven and hell, of divine grace, miracles and anything supernatural, and of course, it denies the existence of God.

Unlike many other philosophical systems, this ideology imposes itself upon every facet of human life. It impacts religion, politics, economics, warfare, industry, history, medicine, the arts and sciences, media, entertainment, family life, etc. Communism’s appeal is rooted in its promise of material equality and justice, but it ultimately results in totalitarianism and the suppression of personal freedoms.

Ven. Fulton Sheen contrasts Communism with Christianity, stating that while Communism seeks to create a paradise on earth through force and coercion, Christianity emphasizes the transformation of the human heart and the importance of spiritual values. He warns that the spread of Communism is a symptom of the moral decay in the West, which has turned away from God and the moral principles that underpin a just society.[1]

What Really Is Communism?

In The Perestroika Deception (1995), Anatoliy Golitsyn, a former KGB officer and defector, defines Communism not just as an ideology or economic system but as a global strategic movement aimed at world domination. Communism seeks to destroy everything that is good, true, and beautiful and replace it with evil, lies, and ugliness.

We could summarize Communism quite simply – and accurately – as the anonymous State [aka Big Brother[2]] having total control over every aspect of every person’s life and placing all things at the service of its own interests.

Socialism and Communism Are the Same in Practice

In 1891, Pope Leo XIII issued his landmark encyclical Rerum Novarum in which he taught:

“Hence, it is clear that the main tenet of socialism, community of goods, must be utterly rejected, since it only injures those whom it would seem meant to benefit, is directly contrary to the natural rights of mankind, and would introduce confusion and disorder into the commonweal. The first and most fundamental principle, therefore, if one would undertake to alleviate the condition of the masses, must be the inviolability of private property” [No, 15].

Leo XIII explains that the same wickedness is advanced under the titles of Socialism and Communism (Quod Apostolici, 1878, No 1). Both advance a persecution of the Church and the view of the State as the supreme authority. Such barbarous systems frequently force atheism upon their citizens, even threatening death to those who own religious articles or a Bible. The Church’s prohibition on Socialism does not only include the more extreme atheistic-inspired socialists but all forms of Socialism.

Archbishop Sheen argued that Socialism, like Communism, seeks to replace individual initiative and personal freedom with State control and collective ownership. They are two sides of the same coin where Socialism often paves the way for Communism by gradually eroding personal liberties and moral values.

Practical Application for Today’s Catholics

There is a growing trend to embrace so-called “Christian” socialist politicians. Such a trend is nothing new. Yet, the Church’s official teaching remains – Socialism, no matter how it is practiced, is forbidden by God. Christ came to save all men through His Church and the Sacraments. There is no salvation outside of Christ and His Church – and certainly no ‘material salvation’ in atheistic ideologues. While Christians should fight poverty and injustice, primarily by corporal and spiritual works of mercy, Our Lord reminds us that there will always be the poor (cf. Matthew 26:11).

Taking away the rights of private property, violating the principle of subsidiarity, promulgating atheism as the State religion, persecuting the Church, encouraging class warfare, and urging envy are just some of the errors of Socialism.

We have a duty as Catholics to correct any of our peers who claim to adhere to Church teaching when they wrongly endorse, support, vote for candidates espousing the principles of Communism or Socialism, even when cloaked behind a façade of good.

O Holy Virgin Mary, Who destroys all heresies, pray for us! 

Read more about how the ‘errors of Russia’ have spread across the world in the 133rd Issue of The Fatima Crusader (Fall 2024), Communism: An Error of Russia.  


[1] The interested reader can learn more about Archbishop Fulton Sheen at BishopSheenToday.com. This site links some of his booklets on Communism which are in the public domain, including: Communism The Opium of the People, The Tactics of Communism, Communism and Religion, Communism Answers Questions of a Communist, and Liberty Under Communism.

[2] The phrase ‘Big Brother’ comes from the dystopian novel 1984 written by George Orwell, the pen name of Englishman Eric Arthur Blair (1903-1950). Orwell became a supporter of Communism and understood the doctrine well. However, he favored a ‘softer’ version of Communism than what Lenin and Stalin brutally imposed in the Soviet Union. Using human reason and experience, Orwell adeptly forecasted where Communism leads. Orwell understood that communists thirst for absolute power over every facet of the lives of every individual. They maliciously relish the opportunity to crush the human spirit. 1984 is a powerful book and leaves a lasting impression upon the reader. It forcefully dispels the notion that Communism can be benign. (Note: This is not a Catholic book and presents terrible morals. Such writing is inevitable when God is rejected.)

Unfortunately, in rejecting the True Faith, Orwell – like many people living right now – blinded himself to truths taught by the Popes, namely that any cooperation with any form of Communism/Socialism leads to the destruction of human society and the enslavement of men.

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