Virtue of Simplicity – Fifteenth Day of July


“Be simple as doves.” — St. Matt. 10:16.


He who serves God in simplicity of heart is indifferent, no matter what God may exact of him. The inquietude which is felt if we cannot give ourselves to certain exercises of piety, when obedience calls us to other duties, comes from a self-love very subtle, and show that we seek rather to satisfy ourselves than to please God. — St. Teresa.

Father Alvarez, finding himself overwhelmed with occupations, complained lovingly to God that he had not time to entertain himself alone with him. Then the voice of God spoke to him, interiorly, saying: “Let it suffice that I make use of you, though you are not directly occupied with me.” This answer was a source of consolation to him.

The reason why St. Vincent de Paul, who was always much occupied, never complained that he could not give more time to exercises of piety, and was never distracted by the multiplicity of affairs, was because in all that he did he sought to please God alone.


My God, I am indifferent to everything, no matter what Thou mayest ask of me. I will never seek to please myself, but only to please Thee.
