Simplicity – Fourteenth Day of July

“Be simple as doves.” — St. Matt. 10:16.


A simple soul has not two measures. When we have to deliberate upon affairs which regard ourselves, and upon those which regard our neighbor, it is necessary to decide as if our affairs were those of our neighbor, and those of our neighbor our own. — St. Ignatius Loyola.

A holy abbot having been consulted by one who doubted whether he could say or do certain things in a matter concerning another person, he replied: “Examine what would be the sentiments of your heart if they said or did thus with you, and in case you would yourself be displeased, remember to use moderation and charity to others.”

St. Vincent de Paul was accustomed to say: “Let us have our eye as attentive to the interests of our neighbor as to our own.” This saint had some relatives who wrote to him to give them his assistance in a criminal process with which they were threatened. He refused to take any part in the affair, through his zeal for justice. Some of his friends wishing to interest themselves in their favor before the judge, he begged them to inform themselves before all of the innocence of the accused, lest they might expose themselves to violate the laws of justice.


My God, grant that I may be as interested for my neighbor as for myself. I love my neighbor as myself, for love of Thee, because Thou commandest it, and because I see in him Thy child whom Thou hast created and redeemed by the blood of my Saviour.
