Meditation for month of March

Mortification – Twenty-Eighth Day of March


If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself.” — St. Matt. 16:24.


The least attachment to our own opinions, to hold them in great esteem, is infinitely contrary to perfection. It is the last thing one abandons; hence the reason why so few are perfect. — St. Francis of Sales.

This saint wrote to one of his friends that he was not so attached to his opinion as to wish harm to those who did not follow it, nor did he pretend that his sentiments should serve as a rule for any one.

The learned Suarez often charged his disciples to examine his works, and said that he would not hesitate to change what they disapproved of. St. Vincent Ferrer di the same; so afraid were these men of God that self-love might blind them to their faults.


My God, my reason is so shortsighted, my light but darkness; self-love blinds me often. I will no more be attached to my own judgment; I will doubt my opinions. I will be docile to the advice which is given me.
