Meditation for month of March

Mortification – Tenth Day of March


If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself.” — St. Matt. 16:24.


There are some who have so much zeal for practices of mortification that they find means to mortify themselves in all things and at all times. Oh, excellent practice! How beneficial it is! — Rodriguez.

St. Francis Borgia studied what were his natural inclinations, and then combated them continually. He blessed God when He gave him an occasion to suffer. He dressed himself in such a manner as to feel that cold of winter and the heat of summer. He wore constantly small stones in his shoes. His bed, upon which he took a few hours’ rest in the night, might be called a cross rather than a bed of repose. When under burning suns, instead of seeking shade, he walked more leisurely than ordinarily.


My God, I am convinced of the necessity there is for me to mortify myself in punishment for the many sins I have committed, and to preserve myself from committing others. Grant that I may crucify myself, to imitate my Saviour, Who died on the cross for my sins.
