Meditation for the month of February: Humility. Image: “Christ washing Peter’s feet,” by Ford Madox Brown (1821-1893). (DeAgostini Picture Library / Getty Images)

Humility – Twenty-First Day of February


He that humbleth himself shall be exalted.” — St. Luke 14:11


To support in a Christin manner humiliations and opprobriums is the touchstone of humility and true virtue, because in so doing we are more like to Jesus Christ, the true Model of all solid virtue. — St. Francis of Sales.

It is related of St. Amonius that he had arrived at so high a degree of perfection that he had become as insensible to contempt as though he were a stone. No matter what the insult, he never felt that he had received an injury.

“To suffer injuries without complaining is the door by which our fathers have entered heaven,” said an abbot to his monks; this exercise makes easy, even agreeable, that which at first appeared so difficult.


My God, I am well worthy to be despised, since I despised Thy commandments, since I have outraged Thy perfections. I deserve to be under the feet of all, since I have consented to be the slave of the demon. Grant that this thought may render me eager for humiliations.
