Meditation for the month of February: Humility. Image: “Christ washing Peter’s feet,” by Ford Madox Brown (1821-1893). (DeAgostini Picture Library / Getty Images)

Humility – Seventh Day of February


He that humbleth himself shall be exalted.” — St. Luke 14:11


One day during which we humble ourselves profoundly on account of our sins and miseries brings to us more graces than many days employed in prayer. — St. Teresa.

St. Francis of Assis regarded himself as the greatest sinner in the universe, and worthy of hell. He said that he did not deserve that God would deign to cast one look upon him. “I will look upon myself as the vilest on earth; I will be to my eyes an object of horror; and when I see myself humble, despised, outraged, covered with opprobrium, I will rejoice, I will bless the Lord.”

St. Vincent de Paul humbled himself continually before God, and said: “How many sins will I not commit if Thou regulate not my words and actions!”


My God, I am worthy of Thy anger, of Thy maledictions, and of Thy vengeance, on account of my sins and the abuse of Thy grace. Have pity on this miserable sinner, who dares not raise his eyes to Thee and is penetrated with sorrow.
