Meditation for the month of February: Humility. Image: “Christ washing Peter’s feet,” by Ford Madox Brown (1821-1893). (DeAgostini Picture Library / Getty Images)

Humility – Fourth Day of February


He that humbleth himself shall be exalted.” — St. Luke 14:11


Humility is necessary, not only to acquire virtues, but to be saved. Jesus Christ has said that the gates of heaven are so narrow that only the little, that is the humble, can enter therein. — St. Bernard.

St. Philip Neri was accustomed to say: “The wound in the side of Jesus Christ is large; but unless He has pity on me I will make it still larger.” Every morning he addressed to God this prayer: “Lord, watch over me this day. If Thou dost not guard me I will betray Thee, and I will fall into grievous sins.” Each time that he left his house, he said to God: “Take care of me, otherwise I depart a Christian and shall return a Jew.” Is it not true, self-evident, that we are nothing, can do nothing? Can we lose sight of our miseries, of our sins? He who has a wound on his body which gives him pain does not reflect whether it is there, for he sees and feels it.”


Lord, Who hatest the proud and wilt humble them, give me humility. Without humility I shall offend Thee unceasingly; without humility I shall be lost.
