Confidence – Fourth Day of October


“Have confidence.” — St. Mark 6:50.


We are certainly convinced that the truths of faith cannot deceive us. Nevertheless, we act as if we were not convinced. We consult rather what human prudence dictates than faith. Hence the little advancement we make in virtue; hence, again, the little success we have in affairs which relate to the glory of God. — St. Vincent de Paul.

St. Antony and St. Francis of Assisi arrived at a high degree of perfection, because they followed the counsel of the Gospel, “If thou wouldst be perfect, sell all, give it to the poor and follow Me.”

St. Joseph Labre, feeling that Our Lord called him to a life abject, poor, and austere, said: “I can do all in Him Who strengthens me.” When his mother, perceiving that her son fasted often, slept nights on the floor instead of in his bed, and practiced other mortifications, with maternal affection represented to him that he would injure his health, he replied: “God calls me to a walk in the ways of God.” He asked permission to leave his home to follow his vocation to penance. She refused, saying that he would have no means of subsistence. “Let me go, mother,” he pleaded. “I will live on roots, as did the anchorites. With the grace of God we can live as they did.” He obeyed grace, he lived by faith; had he not reason to rejoice?


My God, grant that in all things I may consult faith, that I live by faith. I will do all that Thou askest of me. I trust Thou wilt come to my assistance.
