St. Vincent de Paul

Charity – Twenty-First Day of November


“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart. This is the greatest and the first commandment,
and the second is like to this: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
 — St. Matt. 22:38


Let us be careful not to complain or speak ill of those who are dissatisfied with us, who have no affection for us, who oppose our undertakings, who even persecute us, say injurious things of us, do us harm, calumniate us. Let us treat them with cordiality, showing that we esteem them, speaking always well of them, doing them a service; to save their honor let us even bear confusion and contempt if necessary. — St. Vincent de Paul.

Through envy there were some who were opposed to the spiritual exercises St. Vincent wished to give those who aspired to the priesthood. To a missionary with whom he was speaking of this, he said: “This function excites their emulation more than their envy. Their intention is right, therefore let us not cease to respect and esteem them. We should even think we are unworthy of such an employment, and be persuaded that they would acquit themselves better than we. Let us profit by what is said to serve God with all our heart, and give ourselves entirely to Him.”


My God, I will never complain nor speak evil of any one. I will look upon my enemies as benefactors, as they give me an occasion to merit grace and heaven.
