At the beginning of 2024, The Fatima Center launched The First Saturday Challenge by which we hoped to offer 100,000 completed First Saturdays to Our Lady by December 10, 2025, the 100th anniversary of Our Lady’s request for the Five First Saturdays Devotion.
To accomplish that goal, we created some webpages at our website where the faithful could register for The Challenge, register their completed First Saturdays, and track the progress of this initiative. Sadly, because of unresolvable technical issues, The Fatima Center has been forced to suspend the counter at that webpage. We are no longer asking the faithful to register their completed First Saturdays at the 100by100 webpage.
This unfortunate development does not affect the importance of Catholics practicing the First Saturday Devotion. Our Lady of Fatima made two specific requests to foster devotion to Her Immaculate Heart: [1] the Consecration of Russia by the Pope and bishops to Her Immaculate Heart, and [2] the First Saturday Devotion. She promised that if Her requests were fulfilled, Russia would be converted, and the world would experience a period of peace. She warned, however, that if Her requests were not fulfilled, Russia would spread her errors throughout the world resulting in wars, persecutions, martyrdom, and the annihilation of nations.
To date, the Church has not fulfilled either of Our Lady’s requests. Accordingly, as we approach 100 years of negligence, Catholics worldwide must urgently practice the First Saturday Devotion and pray and sacrifice for the Pope and bishops to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Catholics who practice the First Saturday Devotion for five consecutive months also benefit from the magnificent promise made by Our Lady to assist them at the moment of death “with all the graces necessary for salvation.”
While we will not have an exact count of the First Saturday Devotions completed through this initiative, we do want to offer all of them to Our Lady of Fatima.
To help us to do so, please do the following:
Please provide the sum total number of First Saturdays which you, and anyone in your household, completed in 2024 (to the best of your recollection) by emailing us at: info@fatima.org or calling us at: 1-800-263-8160.
Fr. Karl Stehlin will offer all the First Saturday Devotions completed in 2024 to Our Lady at Her Shrine in Fatima, Portugal during The Fatima Center’s Ultimate Marian Pilgrimage in April.
At the end of this year, we will ask you again to provide us with a count of the First Saturdays you completed in 2025. Those First Saturdays will be offered to Our Lady at the Shrine at Fatima by a contact who lives there.
May God bless you for your participation in this most important effort!
How to Practice the First Saturday Devotion
Completed Sets of Five
Consecutive First Saturdays
Number of Participants
Around the World
Total Participants: 2255
- United States: 1537
- Canada: 228
- United Kingdom: 65
- Australia: 58
- Slovakia: 45
- Philippines: 41
- Ireland: 28
- Mexico: 15
- South Africa: 14
- New Zealand: 13
- India: 13
- France: 12
- Colombia: 12
- Czechia: 11
- Spain: 11
- Portugal: 9
- Argentina: 8
- Venezuela: 7
- Malaysia: 6
- Germany: 6
- Peru: 5
- Singapore: 5
- Belgium: 5
- Brazil: 5
- Switzerland: 5
- Chile: 5
- Trinidad & Tobago: 4
- United Arab Emirates: 4
- Croatia: 4
- Kenya: 3
- Malta: 3
- Puerto Rico: 3
- Dominican Republic: 3
- Poland: 3
- Italy: 3
- Costa Rica: 3
- Cyprus: 3
- Ukraine: 2
- Zambia: 2
- Sri Lanka: 2
- Uruguay: 2
- Jersey: 2
- Netherlands: 2
- Guatemala: 2
- Nigeria: 2
- Paraguay: 2
- Thailand: 2
- Lebanon: 2
- Romania: 2
- Ecuador: 2
- Uganda: 2
- Austria: 2
- Lithuania: 1
- Norway: 1
- Martinique: 1
- South Korea: 1
- Luxembourg: 1
- Indonesia: 1
- Hong Kong SAR China: 1
- U.S. Outlying Islands: 1
- Tanzania: 1
- Northern Mariana Islands: 1
- Afghanistan: 1
- Panama: 1
- Russia: 1
- Sweden: 1
- Senegal: 1
- Slovenia: 1

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