“All, therefore, they shall say to you, observe and do.” — St. Matt. 23:3.
Obedience is the abridgment of perfection and of all spiritual life. It is a means the least painful, the least dangerous, the surest, and the shortest to enrich one’s self in virtue, and to arrive at our desired end, which is eternal life. — Father Alvarez.
St. Magdalene of Pazzi, on her death-bed, said that when she recalled all that had happened during the course of her life, nothing gave her so much tranquility as the thought that she had never been guided in anything by her own will or her own judgment; that she had always followed the will or judgement of her Superiors and directors.
Lord, teach me to be obedient as Thou wert. How can I neglect to make use of a means so sure and efficacious for my sanctification?