“If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself.” — St. Matt. 16:24.
If you would learn in what consists the highest degree of abnegation of our will, it is this: in things that are allowable, to do always as others will, without the slightest hesitation. — St. Francis of Sales.
St. Basil, visiting the monasteries of his diocese, desired one of the abbots to tell him if, among all the monks, he found any one in whom he perceived signs of predestination. The abbot presented one to him who was remarkable for his simplicity. The saint requested this monk to bring him water. When he had brought it, “Sit down,” the saint said; “this water is to wash your feet.” The obeyed, showing no hesitation to see the great Basil perform this act of humility for him. Afterwards the saint remarked: “Here is a man truly dead to his own will, to his own judgment; it is with reason they regard him as one of the predestined.” The day following, as the monk entered the sanctuary, Basil ordered him to approach the altar, and ordained him. He became a holy priest.
My God, grant that I may die to my own judgment, to my own will. I beg this grace that I may be more agreeable in Thy eyes.