St. Francis de Sales presenting a book to three nuns

Meekness – Sixth Day of May


Learn of Me that I am meek and humble of heart. St. Matt. 11:29.


It is not possible, as long as we are on this earth, to think exactly as those think with whom we live; therefore it is necessary to have a large fund of sweetness to oppose sudden movements of anger, so that we may not lose the peace of our soul. — St. Francis of Sales.

Philip II of Spain once spent several hours of the night in writing a long letter to the Pope. He gave it to his secretary to fold and seal. The secretary had been sleeping, and, half awake, he took a bottle of ink instead of sand to pour over the writing. Perceiving his mistake, he was inconsolable. The king very quietly said: “The fault is not very great, there is still more paper,” and sat down the rest of the night to write a second letter, without showing the least displeasure with his secretary.

St. Remi, having foreseen that there would be a great scarcity of food, had a house filled with wheat in order to help his people. Some evil-intentioned person set fire to it. The holy bishop was told. He hastened to the burning house, but seeing that nothing could be done to save it, he approached the fire with a tranquil face, and as it was a cold day, warming himself, he said: “Fire is good at all times.”


My God, grant me the grace to possess my soul in peace at all times; permit me never to show feelings of hatred in words or actions, to stifle them immediately with acts of love for Thee.
