Love of Jesus Christ.
“If any man love not Our Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema.” — 1 Cor. 16:22.
The four extremities of the cross are ornamented with four pre¬ cious pearls. Humility is placed at the foot, obedience occupies the right, patieuce the left; charity, the first and queen of virtues, burns in letters of gold at the head. These four virtues shine in a most striking manner in the Passion of Jesus Christ. They are the four principal fruits which we must gather from meditating on Jesus crucified. — St. Bernard.
A person who had formed a resolution to serve God begged Father Lefevre, one of the first companions of St. Ignatius, to point out to her some practices of piety. He recommended her to prostrate herself several times during the day before her crucifix, and say to Jesus Christ: “ O my divine Master, Who art my model, Thou hast humiliated Thyself to the lowest abasement, and I am proud! Thou hast been obedient even unto death, and I seek in all things my own will! Thou hast been a Man of sorrows, and I will suffer nothing! Thou hast loved me even to give Thy life for me, and I love Thee so little! I have offended Thee so often!” She was faithful to this practice, and in a short time made great progress in virtue.
O my God, fill me with Thy spirit, the spirit of religion, of love; Thy spirit of sweetness, of zeal; Thy spirit of detachment and of mortification. Give me Thy sentiments. May all hearts be filled with Thy love!