Love of Jesus Christ.
“If any man love not Our Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema.” — 1 Cor. 16:22.
Contemplate Me hanging on the cross. Behold the state of My body. Enter within; open and penetrate My heart. What do you find? What do you read? Love, nothing but love.
– The blessed Angela de Foligno thought she heard Jesus Christ addressing to her these words.
Let us have a great devotion to the crucifix. Let us often fix our eyes upon the image of Christ crucified. Let us converse with this Man of sorrows, listen to Him, consult Him; love our crucifix, kiss it with much devotion. St. Ludowine, at the end of her life, made use of her eyes only to contemplate the crucifix. This practice filled her heart with the most ardent love. St. Elizabeth, daughter of the king of Hungary, contemplating long her crucifix, was covered with confusion on beholding herself dressed in the livery of the world and its vanity. Prostrating herself on the ground, she cried: “Jesus crucified will be my portion forever—poverty for poverty, humiliation for humiliation, cross for cross.” During the rest of her life she faithfully kept her promise.
O my adorable Saviour, permit me to solace Thy wounds; replenish me with Thy love. I recommend myself and all others to Thee.