Saint Anthony of Padua and the Infant Jesus by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

Love of Jesus Christ – Sixteenth Day of January

Love of Jesus Christ.

If any man love not Our Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema.” — 1 Cor. 16:22.


Jesus Christ was willing to suffer as much as He would have deserved to suffer had He been guilty of all the sins which have been committed in the world and of all those which will be committed. — St. Bonaventure.

St. Catharine of Genoa, meditating upon the love of Jesus Christ which nailed Him to the cross to expiate our sins, cried: “O Love! O Love! No more sin, no more sin.” Let us unite with her in the same language.

St. Mary Magdalene of Florence continually offered herself as a holocaust to God; she offered to Him all her thoughts, all her words, all her actions, promising Him in future to do nothing but in His divine wounds. Raising her eyes often to heaven, she would exclaim: “Lord, Thou knowest that from my infancy to this moment I have desired ardently to please Thee.”


O Jesus my love, I would wish to expire of love for Thee, when I think that in so many places Thou art offended, and how many times I have offended Thee myself. I desire only Thy love.
