Saint Anthony of Padua and the Infant Jesus by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

Love of Jesus Christ – Seventeenth Day of January

Love of Jesus Christ. 

If any man love not Our Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema.” — 1 Cor. 16:22.


Calvary is the mountain of Jesus Christ. Love that is not born of passion is weak. — St. Francis of Sales.

“Let us consider our divine Saviour extended upon the cross as on an altar of love, where He dies of love for us. Ah! Why do we not embrace Him in spirit, and die upon the cross with Him Who would die for love of us?” says the same saint.

St. Marcus and St. Marcellianus, having their hands and feet nailed, said to their tyrant: “We never before tasted such delights, since we are here for the love of Jesus Christ.” Let the cross of Jesus live in our hearts, and the heaviest of crosses will appear light.

St. Francis of Assisi, suffering greatly, said: “My God, I thank Thee for all Thou has given me to suffer. Grant that I may suffer a hundred times as much if it be Thy will. It is agreeable to me that Thou spare me not here below; the accomplishment of Thy will is for me a source of abundant consolations.”


Lord, I have sinned I desire to suffer and to die. I offer my life. Strike, cut, burn this victim, but grant me patience to suffer for Thee.
