Saint Anthony of Padua and the Infant Jesus by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

Love of Jesus Christ – Fifteenth Day of January

Love of Jesus Christ

If any man love not Our Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema.” — 1 Cor. 16:22.


It is by the cross that we have been redeemed and delivered; it is by virtue of the cross that we are sanctified and glorified.

“Oh, if you knew the mystery of the cross!” said St. Andrew in reply to the tyrant who bade him renounce Jesus Christ because He had been crucified like a common malefactor. “The cross is not only the instrument upon which Jesus Christ has suffered, it is a pulpit from which our divine Master gives to His disciples the most salutary lessons,” say St. Augustine.

No matter what may be the temptation which assails you, if you meditate religiously upon your crucifix, you will be enlightened, say St. Thomas.

St. Philip Beniti, being at the point of death, asked for his book. The assistants knew not which book he desired. One of his disciples, entering into his thoughts, brought him a crucifix. “This is my book,” said the saint, and taking it in his hands, he kissed lovingly the wounds of Our Saviour, and expired. May this be our book! Let us read therein the great love which Jesus Christ has for us.


O my God, should we not rather consent to be crucified than to sin? Grant that I would be happy to be crucified, if I could thus efface my own sins and those of all who offend Thee, and satisfy Thy justice.
