Daniel Answers to the King

Conformity to the Will of God – Twenty-Eighth Day of December

Conformity to the Will of God.

“Not my will, but Thine be done.” — St. Matt. 36:39


Our own will is what spoils and corrupts all our devotions, all our works, all our penances. — St. Vincent de Paul.

This saint undertook nothing without having first consulted God, so that he might act by the movement of His holy will alone.

M. Denysiot, pastor of Saint-Fargeau, accepted his parish only out of obedience, and when his health was impaired, resigned it on the advice of his confessor. Having recovered his health, the parish of Saint-Quentin was offered to him, and he accepted it, at the direction of his bishop and his confessor. In the meantime, the almoner of the hospital died, and the worthy priest performed the duties of the almoner. When the office was tendered to him, he replied that it depended solely on the bishop; that he would not make any objection. “The bishop has but make known his wish,” he said, “and I will immediately leave my parish and retire to the hospital.” To these dispositions so admirable and so rare may be attributed the great good he did.


My God, may I act only through the movements of Thy divine will, that Thy will, not mine, be done! Often will I say, “Lord, what wilt Thou that I do?”
