Daniel Answers to the King

Conformity to the Will of God – Tenth Day of December

Conformity to the Will of God.

“Not my will, but Thine be done.” — St. Matt. 36:39


One act of resignation to the divine will in that which is contrary to our inclination is of more value than ten thousand words of thanks for that which conforms to our taste. — St. Vincent de Paul.

The blessed John of Avila gave vent to his sentiments as follows, writing to one who was in affliction. He desired him to bless God as Jacob did, and to encourage him he said: “One God be praised in the time of adversity is worth more than a thousand I thank you in prosperity.”

St. Francis of Sales said to persons in affliction: “First, adore a thousand times the decrees of Divine Providence. Throw yourself unceasingly into the arms of God and into His heart. Say often, Amen, so be it. Second, often unite your cross to the cross of Jesus Christ, reflecting that yours compared to His is light and small. Third, prostrate yourself before God with simplicity, saying, ‘Yes, Lord, if Thou willest it, I will it, and if Thou dost not will it, I do not.’ Fourth, make many acts of love to the Blessed Virgin and the saints in whom you have most confidence, making use of many aspirations of love. Fifth, imagine that the Infant Jesus is with you, consoling you with His love. Sixth, take your crucifix in your hand, look with love upon the image of Our Saviour attached to the cross, kiss with respect this image, press it to your heart, and beg of the God of consolation to comfort you.”


My God, I am, with the help of Thy grace, resigned to all — to light as well as darkness, consolations or pain, prosperity or adversity, life or death.
